Tag: Running

Our Top Weekend Highlights

And just like that we are back into the full grind of the week. Don’t get me wrong, I do love routine and normalcy and all things checklists, etc. but I can’t believe how fast these days are going by. How in the world is 

Keeping the Eyes on the Prize

Keeping the Eyes on the Prize

I know I’ve talked a lot about long term vision for running success on here lately, but I can’t help it, I think it is one of the most important skills a runner can cultivate and deeply impacts running performance. If you are like me, 

A Long Weekend at My Parents

A Long Weekend at My Parents

And just like that we are back in the swing of things, breaks in routine always seem to mess me up a little bit, but so far, this week has gone fairly smooth. This past weekend, Landon had a guys trip scheduled from Thursday to 

The Next 9 Months…Maintaining Long Term Vision in a Microwave Society

Last Saturday, I sat down and brain dumped where I was going and wanting to go with my running and my long term vision. I wrote it all down in a rough training plan, took a hard look at my own spot with running, and 

Friday Favs: What’s Happening in the Running World

Hey, hey friends and happy Friday! This weekend is going to be a good one, because Saturday is Benaiah’s second birthday. I literally cannot believe my sweet boy will be TWO years old. Why does time go so fast? To celebrate, we will be doing 

5 Things Ever Runner Needs to Improve

5 Things Ever Runner Needs to Improve

Hello there and happy Tuesday to you, friends! I hope you are having a great start to your morning. We have a pretty quiet day over here, nothing too crazy going on > translation: morning run + play time outside + nap time hustle + 

Food is More than Calories: How Food Affects Performance and Recovery

Food is More than Calories: How Food Affects Performance and Recovery

For the longest time, I thought, “If I eat less, I will be faster, smaller, and an overall better runner.” In the running culture (and really in the fitness world) we think that if we are skinny, we are fit. And if we are skinny, 

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with this question: CAN I still have food freedom (to me food freedom means being able to eat WHATEVER without guilt or shame) and still be able to have some big fitness goals at the expense of certain foods (which may 

A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND (Father’s Day 2018)

A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND (Father’s Day 2018)

Hello there beloved readers and friends, I am coming to you on a glorious Monday feeling nothing but refreshed and ready for this week. This weekend was the first in a really, really long time (like almost a month?) that we had zero plans all 

Nutrition CAN be Simple

Just as important as your running workouts are, a VITAL component of your training is your nutrition. How are you fueling yourself? What are you fueling your body with? How much are you eating? Are you eating enough or too little or somewhere in between?