Our Top Weekend Highlights

power bun

And just like that we are back into the full grind of the week. Don’t get me wrong, I do love routine and normalcy and all things checklists, etc. but I can’t believe how fast these days are going by. How in the world is it already October 2? Goodness, in just a few, short weeks it will be Christmas – and I don’t know about you, but I haven’t even started thinking about Christmas this year.

Before the days blur by too quickly and I forget all about last weekend, I wanted to share a few highlights from our long weekend. Landon’s grandpa’s funeral and visitation were last week, and because of his passing, Landon’s work graciously gave him Wednesday – Friday off. It was such a blessing to spend some extra time together, with family, and not have the stress of work. Since we had a long week/weekend together, we were able to get a lot of things done, see a lot of family, and spend a lot of time relaxing.

Needless to say, we were busy, so I wasn’t on my phone a whole lot. But, a few highlights I did capture, needed mentioning…

my boys

Family workouts

On Saturday morning, Landon, Benaiah and I shared our first workout, together as a family. We introduced Benaiah to his first CrossFit moves and he practiced his dead lifts (he dead lifted my foam roller) while Landon powered through some squat snatches and pull-ups. I worked through a set of heavy dead lifts and push presses and we completed the workout all within a few minutes of each other. It was such a sweet thing to share a passion together. Watching Benaiah dead lift his little roller was adorable. It is amazing how much they learn through observation. After our workout, we all ran around outside, played with the soccer ball, and refueled with some oatmeal topped with chunks of apple and a dash of cinnamon. YES.



After our Saturday morning workout + breakfast, we finally made our way downtown to our local, Farmer’s market (I think it may be technically a French Market ?) and snagged a couple donuts for the boys. I like donuts, but don’t love them, so instead I got a macadamia nut milk latte to-go. It’s these type of sweet moments that get me every.time. I love making our family’s days’ special with little traditions and routines like these. Do you guys have any favorite ways that you spend your weekends?


Stroller Free Running

One of the most romantic things Landon says to me is, “I got Benaiah babe, you go run…” Not only did Landon say this to me once, but TWICE this weekend. Babe, you are sweet. I love running with the stroller, but every now and then a solo runs feels SO good. And the heavier Benaiah gets, the more I need/crave/love stroller free running. Usually I do a mix of 95% stroller running and 5% free running (does that even count as a mix) but now with Benaiah getting older and winter approaching, I think that will change. You can find me over here, savoring these last few months of stroller running.

And although I miss not running with Benaiah when I am running solo, I do love the feeling I have running without distractions. I was able to get in two, three mile runs (both felt great!) and was so encouraged by the good report. YAY for pain free running, I’ve missed you.

And that’s a wrap! A few snapshots into our weekend. I hope you all have an awesome rest of your Tuesday!

Questions of the Day 

  1. What is your favorite fall activity?
  2. What did you do this weekend?
  3. Stroller or free running?