Summer Running Training Tips: How to Not Die


Summer training is upon us! I actually don’t even know the official day of summer, but I do know that I am eager to get out there and get some hot miles in and under my belt. But, as eager as I am, I always have to remind myself that it takes my body a good, solid two weeks to actually adapt to the warm weather conditions and get used to comfortably running in the heat and humidity. Since it is warming up and most of us are probably in some type of training cycle or about to start one, I wanted to take today to share with you a couple of my top summer training tips > so you can continue to train hard, stay cool, and not die. 😉 

BEHOLD > the glorious water fountain.


  1. Dress for the heat > this seems like it goes without saying, but it is SO important to make sure you dress for the heat. And by dressing for the heat, I mean in high quality (yes, it makes a difference) running clothes that will keep you cool and comfortable during your runs. Also, a rule of thumb is dress about 10-15 degrees cooler than the actual heat outside. Basically, wear less than you think you need, because you will warm up once you get moving – especially in the summer.
  2. Plan your routes around water fountains > One of my favorite things about where I live is the vast amount of water fountains. They are a lifesaver during the summer. If you can, plan your route along water fountains. A quick water break does wonders during those really hot runs! Also, pop a bottle of water in the freezer so when you get back, it is nice and cold! If you drive to your route, make sure to have water and maybe some electrolytes/BCAAS in your car for quick refuel/recovery!
  3. Run early > Make sure to get out the door, preferably before 10am (on a hot day it gets super hot after 10 am) if you have to run later, try for the evening!
  4. Give your body 2 weeks to adapt/learn how to run in the heat > as mentioned before, it takes a couple weeks for your body to adapt to the heat. Our bodies are amazingly designed and they WILL adapt to hotter or colder temperatures. Just make sure to give yourself enough time to adjust and have patience with it.
  5. Adjust your paces > You may not be able to crank out your hard workouts on specific days, be okay with that. Maybe you have a tempo on Tuesday but it is blazing hot. Swap it for an easier run and schedule your hard day for a cooler day or a different hour.  According to Runner’s Connect, ‘It’s a scientific fact that even the most heat acclimatized runner will suffer performance loss in hot conditions.” Don’t freak out. Learn to adjust and keep pressing forward.

Ultimately, remember that tough conditions produce tough runners. Make sure to always listen to your body, hydrate well and make sure that you are getting enough. As runners, we sweat a TON and we need to make sure we make up for the lost. Curious to find out how much you much you need to re-hydrate > this calculator is amazing.

So here’s to running this summer > run hard, stay cool, stay hydrated, and dress for the heat!

Questions of the Day 

  1. Do you run all summer long?
  2. What is your run like today?
  3. Current favorite running gear?