Four Ways to Increase Your Speed and Fitness as a Runner

One of the top desires most runners have is to get faster and have better racing PRs. However, many runners don’t know HOW to get faster. It seems like there is this glass ceiling that we just can’t break through.
Ever feel like that before? You try and try, but your overall pace just isn’t decreasing AT ALL?
If that’s you, I want to encourage you that you CAN get faster. It takes intentional effort, hard work, and consistency, but pretty much any runner can get faster if they put in the work!
That’s great, you may say, but HOW?
I am so glad you asked…because I want to share with you…
There are many ways runners can get faster, decrease mile times, hit PRs, and become an overall, better athlete, but I wanted to make this simple and I boiled it down to 4 SIMPLE, ACTIONABLE points.
3 Ways to Get Faster this Summer
1. Recover and run slow > I’ve talked about this before, but YOU MUST run slow to run fast. And I’m preaching to the choir here (I struggle with recovery, but working on this this summer.) In order to run faster, you must allow your body the change to recovery, build muscle, repair cell/muscular damage, and in turn, come back stronger for your next workout. If you run every run at maximum speed or pace, you won’t get faster, you will most likely get injured. Instead of running every run at your fastest pace (or trying to do that) allow your body a couple of recovery days in between your hard workout days.This will allow your body to recovery, rest, repair and get ready to run fast and hard in the next workout. Your easy running pace should be about 1-2 minutes slower than your current 5k pace.
2. Add strides/ tempos into your running routine > A simple way to increase your speed is by implementing a couple strides into your running. I usually do this after my easy runs, since my legs are already warmed up. What are strides? Glad you asked > strides are quick, fast running (not sprinting) but around 80-90% effort. This fast running, helps teach your body quick leg turnover and helps your body get used to running fast paces. Do around 3-5 strides (20 seconds each with a little recovery walk/jog between each set)
3. Know your paces > Another key way to get faster, is KNOWING exactly what paces you should be running (whether it is fast or slow paces). Not every runner should be running the same exact pace – because we are all so different. Instead, run the paces you are currently fit for. By running different paces (that are appropriate for you) you hep train your body how to run faster, recovery, and you will ultimately grow and get faster as a runner.
4. Strength train > Lastly, strength training! Strength training is another vital key to getting faster. Strength training doesn’t mean hours in the gym, but doing certain, runner specific workouts will help you build stronger legs, quicker muscle firing power, and overall strength that will help you not only run faster, but stay less injured!
May your runs be fast and your miles be long! Enjoy the journey of getting faster, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it DOES come!
How are you working on your speed? Do you have speed/time goals? Share below!