Running Update


And so it begins. The winter is upon us.

Saturday morning I woke up early and immediately checked the weather. I was extremely disappointing to see that it read thirty degrees. It was tempting to sleep through the rest of the morning, but I slept with my running pants on to help inspire me to run in the morning. Instead of sleeping, I rolled over and slipped out of bed, made coffee, and had my devotions.

After devotions, I checked the weather again, only to find that it had dropped.  I grabbed my gloves, hat, and watch and braved the weather.

It was a quick run because of time constraints, but after a solid three I went inside and enjoyed a cup of hot coffee and a cold smoothie, because that makes sense right?

Speaking of running, since the title of my post is about an update I probably should tell you all.

My shin splints have done a lot better recently, praise the Lord!  These past four days, I have noticed a large improvement in all areas: day-to-day activities, running (speed, ability, and distance) and cross training.

I also purchased some new shoes and I am loving them. Is anybody else a Mizuno fan?


These bad boys are awesome.



As I have mentioned before, the Lord has taught me a lot through the disappointment in having shin splints. Through this, I have learned that the Lord is my soul provider of strength. I have none on my own. Even the things that I thought I was good at, the abilities I thought were mine, are all His. He alone gets the glory for every win and loss, PR and injury.  “He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights…your right hand supported me, and your gentleness has made me great.” Psalm 18:33,35 (ESV)

Even though injuries are hard, frustrating, and discouraging, my God has sustained me and has given me hope, a greater hope. It is a greater hope than winning races, conquering speed, or dominating distance; it is hope that through all of life’s chaos, mess, and sometimes confusion, He has a plan. He knows what is best for His children, even if that means something hard or painful at the moment. “For it is You who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness. For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God- His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord proves true, He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.” Psalm 18:28-30

Through it all, I am filled with joy. Joy in my Savior. And that is something that no run could replace.


Right now, really I am enjoying life. My Lord is faithful. I have such amazing friendships. My family is wonderful. My runs are solid. My heart is full. And life is good.

Now, if you’ll  excuse me, I have some miles to kill… with the Lord’s help!