Tag: Word of the Day

So You’re Courting?

I’m sitting here this morning sipping my coffee and reflecting on the past five months. I really cannot think of another time of my life that has been more fun, more exciting, and gone by so quickly as the last five months. Why five, you 

Running Update

And so it begins. The winter is upon us. Saturday morning I woke up early and immediately checked the weather. I was extremely disappointing to see that it read thirty degrees. It was tempting to sleep through the rest of the morning, but I slept 

Glorifying God

Lately, I’ve been thinking, hearing, and talking a lot about glorifying God. At first glance, the thought seems like a vague idea. Trying to understand how to glorify an all-powerful, perfect God is challenging. How do I glorify God, what ‘pleases the Lord?” (Eph. 5:10). The