5 Thoughts


Simple Routines

It feels SO good to be back into routine, friends. I love, love, love traveling with family and friends, but man, it does feel good to get back into somewhat of a routine. I don’t know if that is a me thing, but I crave my routines and although it feels good to get out of the same routine every now and then, it feels good to get back into it. Right now, I am focusing on creating fun, simple routines that enable me to be more productive and rested through the days. A simple way that I doing this is by writing out my intentions for the day and keeping it simple. Sometimes my to-do lists through for the day end up being a mile long and even though it feels good to brain dump and check things off a giant list, sometimes it overwhelms me. So, recently, I am trying to write out three major things to do during Benaiah’s nap time and just simply, focusing on those three things. It’s definitely helped me feel more put together and focused. Yay for productivity and less stress.

Marathon Weekend

Also, my cousin is running a MARATHON this weekend and I am so excited for her. I will be sharing a little bit more about her this weekend, but I can’t wait to cheer her on. She is running the same marathon that I ran, last year. It is a bummer that I am not able to run a fall marathon this year, but I am cheering her on in spirit and eager to experience those 26.2 miles through her 😉 I now am having serious FOMO. Landon will have to hold me back from jumping in the race.

Favorite Song

Guys, I have this song on repeat almost every single day. Everything about these lyrics is exactly what I’ve needed lately.

Current Book

I am loving audio books lately and am usually listening to some sort of book or podcast when I am alone (or not listening to above song) Right now, I am listening to Grant Cardone’s Be Obsessed or Be Average. Although I don’t agree with every single aspect in this read, I do love his thoughts on being ‘obsessed.’ Finding something you are good at and doing it well, with your whole heart. I think, as a Christian, that Biblically speaking it is a good thing to work heartily as unto the Lord and do things well. Listening to this book has been a good encouragement and I am excited to dig in a little deeper into more of the meat of the book, soon!


FaceTime Sister Dates

Yesterday, I got to chat with Abby for almost an hour and a half over FaceTime and it.was.the.best. We chatted about her recent new adventures (living on a tour bus!) and what God is teaching us and how much we missed one another and laughed about crazy stories. It reminded me of our late night conversations that we used to share when we shared a bedroom. It’s going to be hard to have her gone for a couple more months, but these FaceTime dates make it feel like we are less apart than we actually are. And for that, I am thankful. Can’t wait to see you soon, Abby!