A Family Filled Tuesday


Hello there and good morning from my coffee to yours. Yesterday was a fun one and I can’t wait to share our day in the life of post with you all. Quick question? I love writing up these posts and sharing them, but are you guys enjoying reading them? Just want to make sure I am not boring you with mundane details. However, if you are anything like me, you like being nosy and knowing what others do with the 24 hours of their life.

Okay let’s start from the beginning…

Morning & Breakfast

Tuesday morning, I woke up to Benaiah, acting as my alarm clock at 6:35. As I rolled over and looked at the clock, I realized our family run at 6:45 we had scheduled, was not going to happen. I didn’t mind too much though, since my hip flexors were feeling quite tight on Monday. Instead of throwing on my running clothes, I scooped up Niah from his crib and nursed him in bed while I scrolled through my newsfeed. I actually don’t like doing this right away in the morning > too much noise on the internet and too much stress before the day even begins. I need to stop grabbing my phone first thing in the morning. Anyone else like this?

After feeding Niah, Landon woke up and we all took a little time snuggling and playing in bed before making our way out to the kitchen. My sister, Abby, spent the night on Monday, so I greeted her as I made my way to the coffee station.

One cup of coffee later and I felt 153% better about life. Landon, Abby, and I had our devotions, while Benaiah played with his toys. After devos, I made breakfast for Landon, Abby ate, and they were both out the door to work. (Abby and Landon work together, at the same place.)


Once they left for work, I quickly got to work on feeding Benaiah his breakfast. Breakfast of choice: toast with peanut butter, banana and a few grapes. Every time Niah sees me grabbing the toaster oven out of our pantry, he squeals with delight. SO CUTE.


While Benaiah ate, I read him his devotional and I got to work preparing dinner while he entertained himself with his breakfast. I decided early this week (make that Monday) to make, Julie’s chicken sausage bake again, because last time it was SO good and so easy. Winner, winner, chicken sausage dinner. Bad pun, so sorry.

After prepping dinner, Niah was ready to get down and move. We spent the rest of the hour playing, kicking around his soccer ball, and reading stories before nap time. Something I am really working on, is being all there when I am with him. I love the Jim Elliot quote, “Wherever you are, be all there,” and I find in this media saturated culture, it is so easy, as moms, friends, etc. to be so distracted and not really fully present with our kiddos. So, one of my goals for this month is to be fully present with Niah while he is awake and during nap time, crank out all the work that needs to be done. Yes, soemtimes I have to multitask and that’s okay, but my goal is to make that the exception and not the normalcy. Anyways…

tuesday workout

It didn’t take too long and Benaiah fell asleep mid-way through nursing. I put him down easily and quickly changed into my workout gear. Instead of running, I focused on abs, glutes, and arms with some of my favorite YouTube videos. Man, after taking a week off of serious training, my body was feeling the burn. It felt good to sweat again and after my workout, I refueled with my favorite breakfast.

I recently received a new-to me flavor of Designer Proteins whey protein and let me just say. This flavor is amazing! I loved the vanilla coconut and this one, now, equally! Chocolate mocha, you are delicious.


After my shake and a handful of mixed nuts, I spent time working on the blog, checking emails, and connecting my run coaching girls. Nap times = work, work, work.

Tuesday was an usual day, because Benaiah napped for an entire three hour stretch! It felt odd having an entire three hours to myself and I really didn’t know what to do with myself. After working out and blogging, I finished some detail cleaning around the house (i..e. wiping down cabinets, cleaning mirrors, and finishing the bathroom.) Once I was almost finished with the house, my sister stopped by for her lunch break! We chatted the entire time and finally, Benaiah woke up. I think he knew his aunt was over 😉


We chatted about various life happenings and shortly before Abby was heading back to work, Landon came for his lunch. I whipped us up grilled chicken salads while he entertained Niah.


Our lunch break hour flew by and before I knew it, Landon headed back to work. Niah and I spent the rest of the afternoon taking a trip to the park and chatting to my mom before my sister-in-law, Nikki came over!



Once Nikki came, we chatted over coffee, I finished dinner prep and we took another walk with Benaiah around the block. We picked my sister, Abby, up on the way home and talked girl talk while dinner cooked and Benaiah played. Landon came home around 5:45, just in time for dinner. We dug into our chicken sausage sweet potato bake (totally forgot to snag a picture, sorry!) and enjoyed every bite!

Both my sisters and Landon had Bible studies Tuesday night, which meant Niah and I were flying solo. I took advantage of the unusually quiet house by giving Benaiah a relaxing bath and afterwards cozy stories on the couch. He went down easily and I finished up some work related projects and spent the rest of my night watching some Little House on the Prairie. Ah, the good things in life.

I hope your Tuesday was filled with all the good things in life too and thanks for stopping by the blog today.

Questions of the Day 

  1. What was the best part of your Tuesday?
  2. Do you have a meal you eat on repeat?
  3. How often do you see your family?