Three Years

Three years. Three years of loving and laughing and crying and forgiving and hugging and kissing and walking and running and adventuring and I’ve loved every single minute of it. There’s literally no one I would rather be with 24/7 and every time we are together is my favorite. And even though these three years have had their share of ups and downs, I have seen Landon love me with Jesus love through each season of change, each trial, and each joy.

If you would have told me, four years ago, that in August 2018 I would be celebrating my three year wedding anniversary with my husband in Chicago, I may not have believed you. I would have been excited, but I don’t know if I would have believed it could happen so quickly. Four years ago, (as I type this) Landon and I had only briefly seen each other at a mutual friends wedding. We noticed we liked how each other looked and seemed, but didn’t even get each other’s names. I remember poking my sister in the side at saying, “Look at that cute Asian guy,” and that’s about it. Little did I know, that cute Asian would become my husband just one year later.

And now, here we are, three years into marriage and I can honestly say, it’s been beautiful. It hasn’t been perfect, but it’s honestly been the greatest joy and treasure I’ve ever been given. Marriage to Landon has refined me, made me love Jesus more, and helped me grow in my love and respect for Landon. It’s such a good thing to be able to do life together, dream about the future, and do crazy things. I love that we share passions, dreams, desires, secrets, and ambitions. I love that Landon encourages me to chase after my goals and jumps into a marathon with me, just ‘because.’ I am so thankful to have a husband who prays with my every night (I may or may not fall asleep half of the time) and challenges me in my faith.

We’ve had so many fun, shared memories so far and I know so many more to come. Some of my favorite memories these past three years…

  • Welcoming Benaiah into the world and hearing Landon say, “It’s a boy honey,” through tear-filled eyes.  BEST MOMENT EVER.
  • Honeymoon run in 113 degree heat > that was the most insane and hard run I’ve ever done. Don’t try that at home kids.
  • Staying up late on recent night, breaking into the tub of vanilla ice cream and eating ice cream cones in the dark on a weeknight. #wearerebels
  • Running the Rock and Roll Chicago half marathon together (our first half together) and crossing the finish line holding hands
  • Saturday morning soccer
  • Our first Christmas. Landon made me a super delish omelette and I bought him ‘real,’ running shoes.
  • Running our first, full marathon together and finishing hand in hand. Also, sharing a ‘we are alive,’ kiss at the end, together was pretty special too.
  • Driving a crazy, fast road trip to see my brother before he left to be deployed. We ran 18 miles that morning together, hopped in the car and drove 18 hours down to Louisiana. We drove straight through on the way back. But we did stop for ice cream, so that made it worth it.
  • Making homemade, cream filled donuts on our first Valentine’s day together.
  • Watching countless episodes of Pysch and dying over Shawn and Gus’ antics.
  • Eating large bowls of popcorn and watching the Jurassic Park movies. (It was my first time watching them!)
  • Vacation to North Carolina together and running on the beach every, single day. Charleston was also amazing.
  • Dozens of random notes and flowers.
  • Business meetings and dreaming about our future together. Making a budget together for the first time and really casting a vision for our future.
  • Going for a crisp. autumn walk after a really, really bad day (when I was in the midst of postpartum anxiety) and buying two cups of steamy hot cocoa.
  • Watching Benaiah take his first steps and say his first words.
  • Hosting Bible studies, family over, and sister sleepovers.
  • And countless more memories…

Landon, I am so grateful I get to do life with you. And I know you are such a gift from Jesus. Thank you for loving me with Jesus love, for leading our family with grace and courage, and for being my very best friend.

I love you and I can’t wait to spend the next 165 years celebrating life together.
