Tag: My life

A Casual Pretty Much Perfect, Wednesday

A Casual Pretty Much Perfect, Wednesday

Well hello there friends! I hope you are doing well today and that your Thursday is starting off on a good note. I can’t believe we are already at Thursday, I feel like it should be a Tuesday or something. But, I won’t complain – 

What Gaining Weight Taught Me

What Gaining Weight Taught Me

If you’ve followed my blog for any time now, you know that I struggled with an eating disorder, years ago. I used to be so scared to share that with anyone and now, I see it as just part of my story. One thing, though, 

A Typical Monday – Running, Sister Time and a Park Date

A Typical Monday – Running, Sister Time and a Park Date

  Yesterday, started off on a really good note. Benaiah slept in until 8:30 which was a small miracle. Almost like clock work, Niah is up and ready to go by 7:00, which is totally fine. However, having an extra 90 minutes to the morning, 

20 Month Old Birthday Celebrations + Sunshine + Runs (A Day in the Life of)

20 Month Old Birthday Celebrations + Sunshine + Runs (A Day in the Life of)

Hello there friends and happy Wednesday! I hope your day is off to a fabulous start and that you are soaking in some beautiful weather, wherever you may be. This week’s weather has been crazy gorgeous in Chicagoland and I am enjoying every minute outside 

Our Last Weekend Before a Big Change

Our Last Weekend Before a Big Change

Well, hello there and happy Monday morning to you! Last weekend was our final weekend before our big change (Landon’s new job!) and it was a super special weekend filled with some of my favorite things with my favorite people. Landon had two weeks off 

Three Ways to Overcome Body Image Struggles

It’s been a little while since I talked about body image on the blog, but I wanted to share a little today. Because lately, I feel like it is something that God has been laying on my heart and naturally, I felt like I had 

Just a Typical Tuesday: Cousin Time,  Impromptu Rest Days, and an Epic Dinner

Just a Typical Tuesday: Cousin Time, Impromptu Rest Days, and an Epic Dinner

Hello and happy Wednesday! It has been such a long time since I’ve done a day in the life of post and I miss it! I love reading posts about other’s daily routines and I thought I would share a sneak peek into a typical, 

Found an Embarrassing Picture from my FIRST RACE ever + Spring Running/Racing Goals

Found an Embarrassing Picture from my FIRST RACE ever + Spring Running/Racing Goals

Some runners don’t love racing, but ever since my first 5k run, embarrassing photo below, I’ve craved the racing environment. Maybe it is the crowd of runners chasing after a common goal, or the supportive crowds, or the hilarious signs literring the streets or the 

Weekend Recap: Running, Pizza Night and Family Time

Weekend Recap: Running, Pizza Night and Family Time

Oh this weekend was good for the soul. After quite a few weekends of back to back craziness (all good craziness) it was so refreshing to have two straight days of quiet relaxation. I hope you are all popping over to the blog this Monday 

Celebrating the Good Times

Celebrating the Good Times

You know those weekends were you come off feeling super loved, relaxed, and productive? Yes, last weekend was one of those weekends. It started off with a hot, steamy cup of coffee and a wide away Benaiah. Lately, Benaiah has been getting up right as