A Casual Pretty Much Perfect, Wednesday


Well hello there friends! I hope you are doing well today and that your Thursday is starting off on a good note. I can’t believe we are already at Thursday, I feel like it should be a Tuesday or something. But, I won’t complain – a few days closer to the weekend is fine with me!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day, the weather was perfect, Niah was happy. Winning. Let’s start at the beginning.

Morning and Breakfast


Wednesday morning, I woke up later than planned, quickly made Landon breakfast and lunch and said goodbye to him as he headed out the door for work. While Niah slept in (hallejluah!) I had my devotions and sipped on some coffee. Lately, Benaiah has been getting up around 6:30-7:00 and if I get up around 6, it doesn’t leave me much time to prep lunch for Landon and then have a few quiet moments to myself in the morning. It works okay,  but I do appreciate a few moments of peace before the morning begins. Thankfully, yesterday, Niah slept in until 8 o’clock and once he was up, we sat on the kitchen floor, ate some toast, and started partying right away. And by partying I mean playing with blocks. After playing with blocks and hanging out in the kitchen, we got ready to go meet up a friend for a stroller run. I think this is my first stroller running date ever and it was super fun. We kept the pace nice and even and slow (I am focusing on recovering really well from the half marathon) and we finished with 4 miles.

a morning run

Something that I am not great about is taking my easy days easy. A lot of times, I think ‘I’m feeling good, so why run slow when I could run faster?’ Right? Wrong. So many times, I push myself unnecessarily and that’s when I get injured. And I have big goals, I want to BQ, I would love to break PR in the marathon, the half marathon (again) and just become a faster, stronger runner. And to hit these goals (that require fast running) means I need to take my recovery days and runs SLOW and EASY.  Running slow and intentionally having epic recovery days are the name of the game this next training cycle!


After our run, we both grabbed water and Benaiah and I played with our water bucket outside, before Abby stopped over for lunch. Since Abby works within a couple feet of our front door, she comes over for her lunch break (which I LOVE).


We hung out with Abby, I refueled with a protein shake while Benaiah ate some cucumber and noodles with nutritional yeast. Is it just me or does a smoothie taste about 298x better after a hot run?

Once Abby left, Benaiah and I headed out for a quick walk around our local downtown and we spent time looking at the beep-beeps (aka cars). You know you are a boy mom when you walk downtown, sit on a bench, and look at all the traffic. One of my favorite ways to spend time together is being outside and just enjoying the simple moments with him. I sometimes forget that the things that excite and thrill him most are usually things that are just daily life stuff. Like cars and bugs and lights and water. It’s so sweet to be able to share this seemingly simple moments with him. We got back home shortly after our little adventure and after reading Curious George (his current obsession) multiple times, I put him down for his nap.

Nap time = work time for mom. I got to work with this post, cleaned the house, read a few books, and showered (moms, aren’t showers simply glorious when they are uninterrupted?) After I was cleaned up and ready for the rest of the day (by four in the afternoon, isn’t that amazing?) I took some time to relax outside, do some reading, and fold laundry.

Afternoon/ Evening

Once Benaiah was up, we got a easy dinner of eggs and sauteed veggies and shortly after Landon got home from work.

We spent the evening hanging out together, talking about our goals for 2018, and ended the night with an episode of Pysch. Pretty much my favorite show ever.

I hope you all have an awesome rest of your Thursday!