Sister Sister


Last Tuesday, my sisters, Abby and Emily came over for a sleepover and it was one of the best days I’ve had for a while. I am so thankful that growing up, my sisters and I were always super close. I honestly don’t remember any time we actually had a full blown ‘fight.’ Yes, we’ve had our occasional irritations with each other, but we’ve always been close with each other. Now that gone from the homestead and Abby is touring the US with Secret Keeper Girl ministries, we don’t get a lot of time to hang out all together as much as we would all love. But, Abby had some time off and Emily got out of school for the day (home school perks!) so, SISTER day it was!

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We kicked off our day with an early morning trip to the local train museum, courtesy of Niah’s suggestion. Benaiah loved showing his aunties around his favorite place and played with trains while we caught up. We decided to go straight from there to our favorite, local breakfast/lunch spot and ordered a delicious lunch.

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I ordered my favorite sweet potato and quiona salad and Niah ordered a mickey mouse pancake. Emily got the best grilled brie and ham sandwich and Abby ordered a farmhouse salad complete with herbed goat fritters. Everything proved to be as good as it sounds and afterwards, we went for a walk downtown on a quest for a good cup of coffee. Niah loved running through the leaves downtown and playing on the sidewalks. We hit up another favorite coffee shop and all got lattes to sip on while Niah ate his dairy free, blood orange gelato. We sipped on coffee, entertained Niah with our hysterical laughing and shared what’s going on in each other’s lives.

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I am so thankful for the bond we all share and over the years, I realize just how rare that truly is. They are not only my sisters, but some of my closest friends. Watching them grow up, find their passions, make their faith their own, and do hard things is something I am loving right now. I love watching them love on Niah and seeing Benaiah’s love for my sisters makes me so happy.

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After our coffee date, we took a photo shoot (totally necessary) hit up the library, and made our way home for a quick spaghetti squash bake for dinner. We naturally stayed up late, talking the night away, sharing dreams, going off on while tangents, and hanging with Landon once he came home from work.

Having these days together reminds me of just how precious relationships, people, and family truly is. It is so easy to take time for granted, it seems like just yesterday we were growing up together, playing little house, wearing our bonnets or conquering Narnia together. Time goes wayyy to fast, but I am so glad we got to spend these few hours together. You two are the best and I am so thankful for the moments we get to share together.