Recent Favorites: Book/Podcast Edition 

Hello there and happy Friday! I’m super pumped we are this close to the weekend. Landon and I don’t have much planned for this weekend, which is a welcome break from a couple of busy weekends. I am hoping to pop over to the pool for a bit, get some projects around the house taken care of, and a nice solo run.

Today, I wanted to share a few podcasts/books that I am enjoying and maybe you will too!

Chasing Excellence 

I seriously love this title so much and Ben Burgeon’s knowledge is so fun to tap into. If you don’t know Ben Burgeon, he is a Crossfit Coach at Crossfit New England. He coaches some of the most elite Crossfit athletes (Katrin Divisdottir, Brook Wells, Matt Fraser, and Cole Sagar) I love learning from his success mindset and tapping into some of that nutrition info! So fun.

80/20 Running by Matt Fitzgerald

This is one of the best running books I’ve read in a while. The way Fitzgerald dives into the science behind easy running and volume training is so informative while still being interesting. He talks a lot about the importance of running easy and having a higher volume training with easier effort > 80% easy and 20% medium-hard effort. A super great read (although I listened to it) and very helpful!

The Rambling Runner 

I really enjoy this podcast for many reasons, because I love hearing from other ‘typical,’ runners out there. It is so inspiring to listen to other busy, ‘normal,’ athletes who, as the podcasts puts it, “Are balancing running with their everyday lives.” Super fun to listen to other runners who are passionately pursuing their dreams!



And that’s it for now! Short and sweet in preparation for a low-key weekend. I hope you all have the best weekend ever and enjoy some quality time with the people you love most.

Questions of the Day 

  1. What are you reading right now?
  2. Do you have any fun weekend plans?
  3. Any races this month?