Monday Meals at the Thompson Household

Hello there and happy Monday – Landon and I are coming off a refreshing weekend, which has me feeling all sorts of happy! I love a busy weekend, but every now and then I truly do need some extra, quality unplugged and ‘alone’ time with my family of three. It felt good to have some of that this weekend and with that under my belt, I am much more prepared and ready to head into a new week.

Also, can you believe that we are SO close to Thanksgiving!? CRAZZY!

Without further ado, here are a weeks worth of meals that I have planned for ourselves and some inspiration for you!

Monday – Tuna steaks (love the tuna steaks from Aldi) + roasted broccoli + sauted brussel sprouts

Tuesday  – Taco Tuesday! Organic grass fed beef + sauted peppers/onions + brown rice/salsa/guacamole/ on top of a ton of lettuce

Wednesday – veggie filled Quiche + roasted potatoes on the side

Thursday – Detox lentil soup  + salad on the side

Friday – Date night! Homemade pizza + side salad

Saturday – Chicken nuggets + roasted sweet potatoes/regular potatoes + broccoli

Sunday – leftovers