Life Recently…Upcoming Changes!

I feel like it has been quite a while since I’ve done any life update and that’s mainly because life has been so busy lately with some upcoming changes. I don’t know if you are like me, but change generally stresses me out. I used to think I was the kind of person that is fine with change, but the older I get the more I realize I am not a huge fan of change > especially if it is big change.

This year has been full of change. Landon got a new job, which is making his commute a lot longer. I got injured which has changed my running goals and plans around (thank goodness I am one the mend and Jesus has taught me so much through this.) And now recently, we have decided to move! Moving is always hard, but this one will be especially tough, since I love, love, love, love where we live right now and am so thankful for the two years we’ve had here. The hardest part about leaving will be leaving the first home Benaiah’s known and leaving my community/running routes. This place has truly felt like home for the past two years and knowing we have to settle into a new space and make it feel like home does feel heavy to me. However, through it all Jesus remains faithful and seeing Him work in my heart and my life is exciting. When change comes, I am reminded to lean onto what is constant > and that is Jesus. Praise the Lord that He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. And so when life feels kind of chaotic and messy and less than glamorous, I lean on His everlasting arms and follow His steps. Some days this seems easy and I feel such peace and other day’s it takes everything I have to still my mind that is running 100 miles a minute.

I am so thankful for His constant grace, His continual mercy, and His never ending goodness He has shown toward Landon, Benaiah, and I. I am eager to see what God has in store for Landon and I and all the new adventures we will share in this next chapter of life, together.

Since the past couple weeks life has felt up in the air (and I think it will feel that way for the next couple months) I am focusing on simply staying present in the moment, eating well, nourishing my body, getting enough sleep, getting in quality workouts, and coaching my athletes with excellence. I still have big running goals I want to chase down, but since I am still in this injury recovering period, I am focusing solely on getting better as fast as possible. It may mean that it takes me another couple weeks and then I have another 6 months until I am back to peak shape again. Part of me wants to freak out about that and another part of me is excited about the journey back to peak fitness. It won’t be easy. It will be humbling. And it will be an epic journey there.

I don’t know what is ahead in life and these unexpected, exciting (and not-so exciting changes i.e. injury) have taught me to not act like I do know what is ahead. But, I do know who holds the future and I will trust Him, wherever He leads us.

With that, I just wanted to let you all catch a glimpse into what is happening around here so you can know if I am a little quiet around here and seem a little spacey > that is why! But, I will still be sharing and posting and writing. So make sure to keep following along on this grand, new adventure we are on.

Thank you for all your continued support of Lulu Runs. Love you all!

  1. How do you handle change?
  2. What was the hardest move for you? 
  3. How are you spending your Wednesday?