Eliana: Two Months


This girl. Two months old. How does time fly by so quickly? Long gone are the days of constant sleeping and constant eating. Our sleepy days are quickly being replaced by smiles, coos, and lots of chunky rolls and I couldn’t love it more. At this stage, with Benaiah I was really struggling through some postpartum anxiety and although I did love the baby coos and sweetness of the first couple of months, I didn’t nearly enjoy it as much as I am enjoying it with Eliana. I am so thankful to not living in a cloud of anxiety and enjoying the sweetness of the newness of her, each day.

Eliana is literally such an easy baby. I couldn’t be more thankful for her sweet personality, easy going nature, and gentle spirit. She is the kind of baby that can be set down in the bassinet and just fall asleep without any rocking or assistance. So far, so good and I am going with it.

So far, she is sleeping really well at night too, which helps mom feel a lot more human and is waking up only once or twice per night > that feels amazing.



Benaiah is obsessed with his baby sister and wants to snuggle her all day long and give her as many kisses as possible. I am so thankful for his sweet spirit and his love for his sister. She couldn’t have asked for a better brother.

At her last appointment, she tipped the scale at 12 pounds and 24+ inches long. I am kind of shocked that my kind (FYI I am 4′ 11″) is in the 99% for height. Excuse me? Currently, she is wearing around a size 3 months and rocking her size 1 diapers, but I don’t think that will last for long. Such a big girl!


Obviously, eating is going well and she is a champ with nursing. She seems to be eating around every three to four hours, unless it’s at night when she want to nurse every hour. Aside from eating and sleeping, she’s just starting smiling consistently and cooing which is on my list of top adorable things in the world. She loves her daddy and lights up whenever Landon is nearby. Maybe a daddy’s girl?


We are so in love with you, Eliana Beatrice. We are praying that you will bring joy wherever you go and shine bright for Jesus. What a sweet gift you are.
