Early Morning Runs + My Husband is the Best > Tuesday Happenings

Guys, it feels SO good to run without pain. Can I just scream that from the roof tops?! I am excited, cautiously optimistic, as I come back into training. And by training, I mean building a base back up. Really nothing hard or moderate effort – just a lot of easy running and slowly, but surely increasing those miles up by around 10% a week. Tuesday morning, I hopped on the treadmill, ran an easy three mile run, lifted weights, and called it golden. Recently, I’ve been using the treadmill a little more than usual. One reason, I am enjoying getting my workout completely done before Benaiah wakes up. I do love running with the stroller with him, but it does delay our day. Since I had some fun plans scheduled for both Niah and I, Tuesday, I decided to crank out a three mile run on the treadmill (which thankfully doesn’t take long – the one good thing about being in base building phase again) ALSO – I need a good show to watch on the treadmill. If you have any suggestions, send them my way. I listen a lot to podcasts throughout the day and read a lot of books, so sometimes I enjoy making the treadmill a fun, entertaining place to ‘be.’ If you have any good suggestions > send them my way!

After my run, I was able to get in a quick shower + foam rolling session before Benaiah woke up for the day. Not too long after he got up, we made a quick breakfast of oatmeal (for him) and a giant, green smoothie for me. Usually, I make a pb/chocolate smoothie version (with lots of spinach) but yesterday, I opted for a berry packed smoothie and it tasted amazing. I forget how much I like berry smoothies, but every now and then when I make one it rocks my world.

Post-breakfast shenangins included playing with trucks, reading truck books, and getting ready to hit up the train museum + library. If you haven’t noticed we are loving all things with wheels these days.

We spent the morning watching construction happening in our downtown, getting iced lattes, and playing at the train museum. I don’t think I will ever grow tired of watching his curious mind explore new things. He was fascinated watching the cement truck and playing with new toys at the library. It is so cute to see him introduced to new concepts and items and I love being the one who gets to do that.

Both of our stomachs started rumbling, which was our que to make a quick exit and make it home for lunch. I made a fast salad and Benaiah a quick lunch of the classic PB&J + plus carrot sticks on the side. We ate lunch together, had a quick bath and went down (thankfully, easily for nap time.) Lately, nap time has been a bit of an issue. He’s more sensitive to the light apparently and keeps asking me to turn off the sun for nap time. I think it is time to invest in some curtains for his room 😉

While he slept, I filmed a few videos, worked on this blog post, responded to a few time sensitive emails, and edited a couple photos. Benaiah woke up around an hour earlier than expected, so we decided to make it a fun afternoon with preparing dinner together (dinner prep together = a lot longer and a lot messier, but a lot of fun.)

Once we finished dinner prep, we played with more trucks, and eventually ate dinner once Landon got home. Shout out to my amazing husband, Landon. He worked a long shift at work, played with Benaiah after dinner and then went on got groceries for me, because, “I love you.” HE IS THE BEST. Enough said.

I spent the rest of the evening working on a few blog projects and crashing before 10:30. All in all, a good day – lots of productivity and a little bit of rest here and there too.