Dinners at the Thompson House (Meals for the Week)

I like to keep life as simple as I can. And one of the ways I like to simplify is through meal planning each week. Some weeks I am better at it than others, but it is the weeks that I do plan my dinners that life goes more smoothly. I have tried winging it every night, but that makes me feel so scattered during the week and overwhelmed when 4 pm hits. So, to avoid that feeling, I decided to start meal planning, one week at a time and go for grocery one week at a time. MUCH BETTER. If I try to bulk shop, I’ve found that we go through stuff that is supposed to last 2 weeks + and then I am stuck without ingredients I need.

So, here’s to 1 week at a time meal plans/grocery runs. I hope these help/inspire you too!

Monday – leftovers (no cooking for mom, PRAISE!)

Tuesday – grass fed beef burgers + homemade sweet potato “fries” and steamed broccoli

Wednesday – 7 Veggie Soup (I meant to make this last week and ended up not, so I have all the ingredients!)

Thursday – Shredded chicken tacos (literally just chicken + seasonings + salsa) on top of lettuce, roasted sweet potatoes, and guacamole)

Friday – Quiche + side salad + fruit

Saturday – Leftovers

Sunday – Filet Mingon + cold quinoa salad (similar to this recipe)


Homemade PB CUPS! My favorite late night snack. You can find the recipe, here.

and that’s a wrap! Meals for the week!

What is on YOUR meal plan for this week?