5 Things Ever Runner Needs to Improve

5 Things Ever Runner Needs to Improve

Hello there and happy Tuesday to you, friends! I hope you are having a great start to your morning. We have a pretty quiet day over here, nothing too crazy going on > translation: morning run + play time outside + nap time hustle + 

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with this question: CAN I still have food freedom (to me food freedom means being able to eat WHATEVER without guilt or shame) and still be able to have some big fitness goals at the expense of certain foods (which may 

Nutrition CAN be Simple

Just as important as your running workouts are, a VITAL component of your training is your nutrition. How are you fueling yourself? What are you fueling your body with? How much are you eating? Are you eating enough or too little or somewhere in between? 

Injury Update + Fall Racing Plans/Goals

Injury Update + Fall Racing Plans/Goals

Hello there and happy Thursday to you all! I hope you guys are doing super well today. I don’t know if it is just me, but this week is FLYING. Between some crazy, busy mornings and a few weird afternoons (i.e. Benaiah not napping as 

Injury Update + Upcoming Race Plans

Injury Update + Upcoming Race Plans

Hello to all my favorite people! I hope you are having a great day so far and that life is going well for you today! It’s been a busy one over here and now I am finally sitting down getting this post written, that was 

My Thoughts on Breaking Through Running Plateaus & Dry Spells

Have you ever felt stuck with you running? Like you are running your miles but they are 1: feel ‘bleh’, you have to stop every 10 seconds to catch your breath or 2: you just don’t feel like running, like at all. I can totally 

Upcoming Racing Goals and Thoughts Post-Half Marathon

Upcoming Racing Goals and Thoughts Post-Half Marathon

Hey guys and happy Friday! I hope you all are having an awesome day and are enjoying a great start to a long weekend. I am SO incredibly excited about having a three day weekend. Like straight up crazy excited. The past month of Landon’s 

A Casual Pretty Much Perfect, Wednesday

A Casual Pretty Much Perfect, Wednesday

Well hello there friends! I hope you are doing well today and that your Thursday is starting off on a good note. I can’t believe we are already at Thursday, I feel like it should be a Tuesday or something. But, I won’t complain – 

My Half Marathon PR Race Recap

Oh guys, this is going to be a good one. I am SO excited to share this today because today’s post is a special one. Really, it is four years in the making. Can you believe that? Let’s start at the very beginning. Four years 

What I am Learning Lately…

What I am Learning Lately…

Life is so amazing, isn’t it? Deep down, I am a dreamer and I love dreaming and doing and impacting lives. And lately, I’ve been doing a whole bunch of learning and growing and I am loving it. Landon has always inspired me – ever