A Restful Friday and a Homemade Pizza Date


After a couple busy days, Friday was just what I needed. Sometimes, slow days are necessary, and yesterday was one of those days.

Like all mornings around here, Friday began with a hot mug of black coffee and protein smoothie. Is there any other way to start a morning?


After coffee, I fed Benaiah, cleaned the house, and we enjoyed some successful tummy time.


Recently, Benaiah’s not been a fan of tummy time, but yesterday, he actually enjoyed it. I even got a smile, which was a big win. I think he was quite pleased with himself. 😉


The rest of the morning, Benaiah and I spent working on his tummy time and having our devotions. I dedicated a couple of hours to my blog, working on some behind-the scenes- things. Since yesterday was a pretty laid back day, I decided to stay with the trend and take a rest day from my regular workout schedule to give my body a break too.


Once Landon came home for lunch, we enjoyed some soup that was dinner leftovers. The soup was good, but it didn’t look very pretty. I’ll spare you the picture. 😉


After Landon went back to work, I whipped up a pizza crust, fed Benaiah, and finished up blog work. I was tempted to run a couple of non-urgent errands, but eventually I decided to stay home and chill. I think my busy week drained me because, the only thing that sounded appealing was staying at home and not doing a lot.



Landon got back while the pizza was baking and shortly after catching up, it was time to eat. I used a different recipe for my crust and we both decided it was one of the best crusts we’ve ever had! (I used this recipe in case you are interested.)


After pizza, we finished our Friday with a movie and cereal for dessert (yeah for more carbs).

Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday!

Questions of the Day 

  1. What did you do Friday?
  2. What is your favorite type of pizza crust- thin or thick?
  3. What do you like to do when you have a slow day at home?