5 Thoughts

Just a little encouragement to you (and myself) today to be fully present. Whether it is during a hard run or making breakfast for your kiddos, or running errands, sharing coffee with a friend, or spending time with your significant other – savor the moments, don’t rush the days, soak in the present fleeting days.

Sometimes, me soaking in the moments means watching Niah okay endlessly with his trucks or pushing through on a hard run or really listening to what my husband is saying. And it’s when I do stop my hurried thoughts and put my phone down, that I can feel fully present and “all there,” with those I love most.

Isn’t it funny how the simplest of things (being present) can be the hardest?

Let’s be ALL there today, who knows how much it will impact someone…

Still on a kick with the Designer Protein Totally Egg protein powder. If you guys haven’t tried it yet, you must! It has 24 grams of protein per two scoops and is completely paleo friendly (plus, it tastes like cake batter, so that’s that/.) I almost always make a smoothie for breakfast and even though the temps are dropping, there’s now way this smoothie addiction is going anywhere.

img_1364-1 Benaiah. He’s getting to be such a big boy. I still think of him as my baby and then he does things like, grabbing a La Croix from the fridge and bringing it to me or asking for the “Sunshine” song for one last snuggle before bed or talking about our day and sharing his favorite highlights of the past 24 hours. And I am reminded that he really isn’t a baby anymore. But, until he realizes that he’s not a baby anymore, I will take all the snuggles I can get and all the sunshine songs and all the slobbery kisses. Time is going wayy too fast and I could’t be less prepared for it.

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I recently had an oat milk cappuccino and it changed my life. I think it was the best cappuccino I’ve ever had. It was just enough creaminess with the right amount of espresso and gave me just the energy boost I needed. Oat milk cappuccinos, I will be back for more.