35 Weeks Update

I cannot believe we are this far into pregnancy. It really seems like just yesterday I was 20 weeks! I am so excited for these next few weeks to fly by and yet, at the same time savor the moments of this normalcy. I am eager to experience our new normal, while still enjoying the last few weeks of normal routines, sleep, and rest.

With that being said, let’s recap this week so far.

Honestly, this past couple of weeks have been the hardest for me, physically. A couple weeks ago, as I shared in a past post, I experienced some really painful piriformus pain. It has been bad for a couple weeks now and honestly, that’s been so hard to not feel like my normal active self. But, I am learning (and re-learning) to rest and spend time off my feet. I would normally be super bummed about not running, but right now, my goal is to simply get back to walking normal – how’s that for high goal standards? haha.

Aside from the annoying hip pain, this pregnancy has been SO good. Baby’s movements are so consistent and pretty wild. I know Benaiah moved during my pregnancy with him, but this one is super active. It is so fun to see our little nuggets activity, day in and day out and I am super eager to be able to meet this one!

Other typical symptoms I am majorly feeling is rough sleep (especially with my hip pain), some clumsiness, having to go to the bathroom every 5 seconds (although I will take it as a good sign that nugget is in the right position!), and some rib pain. Other than that, I feel overall really good and a mixture of ready for this baby to be here and also disbelief that we are so far into this pregnancy already!

Since this is our second baby, I haven’t had to get much stuff, but a few items I’ve gotten are some new swaddles (I found some incredibly soft and adorable ones from Milkmaid Goods , a robe for after birth for me, this Snuggle Me – it seriously looks amazing, and some more newborn attire! I am still on the hunt for a bassinet – if you know of any good ones, let me know! Other than that, I think we are pretty set. I am hoping to make a few freezer meals and have some simple meals prepped and ready to go before baby comes, but otherwise I am feeling pretty prepared – I think. haha.

The count down is officially on.