New Favorites, a Good Run, and Odd Combos (WIAW 6/28) 

Happy Wednesday from my cup of coffee to yours. Can I tell you how much I am loving the fact that coffee and I are friends again?  And don’t worry, I’m only drinking 1-2 cups a day, for the sake of baby T. 😉  Since 

You Win Some, You Lose a Some (WIAW 6/21) 

Hello there and happy Wednesday to you all! Can you believe we are more half way through June and half way through the week? Where does the time go?  My time may or may not be going to experimenting in the kitchen. Which is what 

Apparently I Like to Eat out of Cups and Bowls (WIAW 6/14) 

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you friends. I hope your morning has gotten off to a fantastic start. So far, I’ve downed a bunch of water, packed Landon’s breakfast and lunch for work, and had my devotions. So far, so good. Since it is 

Restful Day Eats (WIAW 6/8) 

Today is Wednesday, we are closer to the weekend and we have a lot on the agenda today. Yesterday, thankfully, was a slower day which enabled me to get a lot of things done. Don’t you just love productive days?   (Shout out to Jen 

WIAW: Salads for Days

WIAW: Salads for Days

Happy Wednesday friends! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming- obviously, it’s going to be a good day.  It’s also a WIAW – have no idea what is going on, check out the details here.  Let’s rewind to yesterday 

WIAW: Playing Catch-Up and a New Recipe Coming 

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you! This week has been flying by, but I feel like I’ve been dragging all week. I blame the weekend, I think I had too much fun. 😉  Before we dive into today’s post, thank you to Jen for 

WIAW: Some New Favorites 

It’s time for another round of WIAW. As usual, thank you Jen for hosting!  Let’s get this party going: Wednesday morning after sending Landon off to work, I had my devotions, blogged, and made myself breakfast.  Breakfast included oatmeal topped  with a new favorite peanut butter, 

WIAW: Pregnancy Hunger is a Real Thing 

It’s Wednesday: which means we are halfway through the week, it’s a run day (for me), and a WIAW!  Have no idea what’s going on? Check out the full details on Jen’s blog. Let’s get this party started!  Yesterday morning, I made myself a fried 

WIAW: New Favorite Foods

   Today’s Wednesday and that means a WIAW party! Confused at what’s going on? Check out Jen’s awesome blog for the details.  Tuesday, my friends, was a good day! There were many reasons why it was a good day, but I’m thinking it didn’t hurt to start 

WIAW (Breakfast) and a Couple Other Things…

Excuse the awkward title. I couldn’t think of anything cute or catchy… Anyways, it is time for WIAW! Thank you Jenn for hosting!  If you don’t know what that means, check out this link here. I believe that good days start with long devotions, a