Tag: Weekend Recap

14 Mile Runs + A Slow Sunday

14 Mile Runs + A Slow Sunday

Hey there friends and happy Monday. Is it just me or did this weekend go by so fast? Maybe it’s because the past two weeks have been vacation for us, but regardless I felt like the weekend just started Sunday night. Bummer. 😉 FIRST OF 

Picnics in the Park and Time in the Pool

Picnics in the Park and Time in the Pool

Hello and happy Monday to all of you! I hope this weekend was absolutely refreshing as we head into yet, another full week! I am pretty pumped about this week, actually, since we leave for vacation seven days from now! I have a TON of 

A Few Pictures from Our RACE Weekend!

Hello there friends and happy Monday to all my favorite readers. I hope you are popping on the blog this morning, feeling refreshed and ready for another week. I am excited about a new week, but since our weekend passed so quickly, I feel like 

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Hey there friends and good morning to you on this crazy Monday. I knew it was going to be an, let’s call it, ‘exciting’ day when Niah woke up on the wrong side of the crib. He isn’t usually fussy, but today was an exception! 

12 Mile Run + Pool Time + Barbecue with the Family (Weekend Recap)

12 Mile Run + Pool Time + Barbecue with the Family (Weekend Recap)

Happy Monday afternoon friends! I hope you all are checking into the blog feeling refreshed after a relaxing weekend, filled with everything you love! Ours was one of those much needed slow-going weekends, because honestly, I cannot remember the last free Saturday we’ve had together 

Graduation Weekend

Graduation Weekend

Hey there friends and happy Monday from my coffee to yours. I don’t know what it was (okay, maybe I do #craziness) about this weekend, but it literally flew by. I feel like I blinked and we arrived here, Monday morning. And as much as 

Our Weekend in 15 Pictures

Our Weekend in 15 Pictures

Good morning guys and how are you today? I hope you are coming to the blog this morning feeling awake and alive and ready for another fabulous week! I am definitely feeling ready for to tackle a lot of big projects this week, since last 

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Hello there and happy Tuesday! Thanks to our extra long, holiday weekend, I kept waking up thinking it was either Sunday or Monday this morning. I hope you guys had a great couple days of rest and are enjoying this fresh, new start to the week! I totally 

A Restful Weekend: Running, Ice Cream and Movie Nights

A Restful Weekend: Running, Ice Cream and Movie Nights

Hello and how are you all on this fine Monday morning? I am popping in here a little later than usual and getting my weekend recap written this morning instead of tomorrow. Today has already been fabulous, complete with an early (5 am early) 6 mile run, devotions, and coffee 

Mother’s Day Weekend 2017

Hello there friends and happy Monday after a holiday weekend. Man, I woke up exhausted and not ready for the week. Typically, I don’t mind Monday’s and actually, kind of enjoy the fresh start and clean slate that Monday’s bring. But, this morning, all I