Tag: Thursday Thoughts

Thinking Out Loud VI

1. I have concluded that I could wear my running pants and shoes every day of my life and be very satisfied. Anyone else agree with me? Life is better when you are in running shoes, especially if they are bright! 2. Temperatures are quickly 

Thinking Out Loud IV

1. The Lord’s beauty is breathtaking.  When I survey His power, I really am left speechless. Psalm 19:1 “The Heavens declare the Glory of God…” There is something about a sunset that makes me feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed.  It’s like the world is quieting. 

Thursday Thoughts III

Welcome to Thinking out Loud Thursday! Let’s jump right in shall we? 1. Can we just take a moment to recognize how much of an accomplishment it is to finish a journal! I’ve polished off seven and am just starting on my eighth.  I love