Tag: Smoothies

Apparently I Like to Eat out of Cups and Bowls (WIAW 6/14) 

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you friends. I hope your morning has gotten off to a fantastic start. So far, I’ve downed a bunch of water, packed Landon’s breakfast and lunch for work, and had my devotions. So far, so good. Since it is 

Weekend Snapshots (5/23) 

Weekend Snapshots (5/23) 

Happy Monday friends, I hope your weekend was refreshing and full of fun times with those you love.  Today’s already started off in a great way, I spent time with Jesus, drank a smoothie, ran three warm (dare I say, hot?) miles, picked up some 

Favorite Basic Green Smoothie 

Favorite Basic Green Smoothie 

Now that the weather is getting warmer, my love for smoothies is making a strong comeback.  This recipe is one of my basic green smoothie combos and tastes like “ice cream” to boot. Okay, maybe not exactly like ice cream, but it is cold, creamy, 

Friday Favorites

1. My wedding dress is done! All the alterations have been completed…I can’t wait to wear it! Sorry, no picture for this one 😉 2. This picture. 3. I am finally getting a tan! In the winter, I get so pasty white, but I am 

Thinking out Loud XXII

1. Now that the warm weather has it, smoothies are happening all day every day. Yesterday I had one for lunch and Saturday I had one for breakfast and dinner. Addicted? Never. 2. This little girl is EIGHT years old! I am so proud of 

Thinking out Loud XIV

1. My hair has a mind of its own. I tried to straighten it, and it decided to curl on me…again.. Oh well! 2. I put together a collage of pictures to post on my ‘Lulu Food’ section of my blog. I knew not everyone 

WIAW- Colorful Eats

  I think I may have eaten almost all the colors of the rainbow yesterday. Thinking of that makes me feel very accomplished. This is not everything I ate yesterday, but a snapshot into what I was able to take pictures of! Thanks Jen, for 

Thinking Out Loud V

1. Coffee is great. It is even better when you have two different drinks from Starbucks in one day. Drink number one : Iced Americano with Organic Vanilla Milk (!) Drink number two: Black Coffee…sometimes simple is best. 2. Drinking coffee is fun by yourself, 

WIAW- Veggie Loving

Welcome back to the WIAW party! For more details on what WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) is all about, see Jen here. Let’s get this party started, shall we? There is no secret in this family that I love my vegetables. I’ve actually been told 

Thinking Out Loud IV

1. The Lord’s beauty is breathtaking.  When I survey His power, I really am left speechless. Psalm 19:1 “The Heavens declare the Glory of God…” There is something about a sunset that makes me feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed.  It’s like the world is quieting.