Tag: marathon training

Honest Thoughts on Postpartum Marathon Training

Honest Thoughts on Postpartum Marathon Training

One year ago, I made a commitment to myself to train and run a marathon. One year ago, I was just about to have my son, Benaiah. I was running through my pregnancy, but just around 1-2 miles at a time. It felt comfortable for 

14 Mile Runs + A Slow Sunday

14 Mile Runs + A Slow Sunday

Hey there friends and happy Monday. Is it just me or did this weekend go by so fast? Maybe it’s because the past two weeks have been vacation for us, but regardless I felt like the weekend just started Sunday night. Bummer. 😉 FIRST OF 

I am an AUNT + Running Talk (TOL #79)

I am an AUNT + Running Talk (TOL #79)

Good morning and happy Thursday! I don’t know about you, but this week is a flyinng by, which I am totally okay with 😉 In all honesty, it’s been a busy and kind of overwhelming week (for whatever reason). But, thankfully, after a muuuch needed 

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Hey there friends and good morning to you on this crazy Monday. I knew it was going to be an, let’s call it, ‘exciting’ day when Niah woke up on the wrong side of the crib. He isn’t usually fussy, but today was an exception! 

A Few Tangents + Marathon Training week #8

A Few Tangents + Marathon Training week #8

Hey there friends, what day is it even? I am sorry about the quietness of the blog this week. Between a busy day with family yesterday and the extra long holiday week, my days are all jumbled up! This week has been fairly eventful, with 

12 Mile Run + Pool Time + Barbecue with the Family (Weekend Recap)

12 Mile Run + Pool Time + Barbecue with the Family (Weekend Recap)

Happy Monday afternoon friends! I hope you all are checking into the blog feeling refreshed after a relaxing weekend, filled with everything you love! Ours was one of those much needed slow-going weekends, because honestly, I cannot remember the last free Saturday we’ve had together 

A Fun Filled Tuesday: Sister Time + Pilates and an Evening Run

A Fun Filled Tuesday: Sister Time + Pilates and an Evening Run

Hello there friends and happy Wednesday to you all! I hope your day is going well so far and you are enjoying that middle of the week feeling of victory! I know I am! So, far, this week has been pretty busy, filled with time 

Tuesday Happenings: 5 Mile Runs + Pool Time AND Thoughts on My Longest Run Postpartum

Tuesday Happenings: 5 Mile Runs + Pool Time AND Thoughts on My Longest Run Postpartum

Hey guys and happy Wednesday! I have a few Tuesday items to share with you and then I want to chat with you all about my longest run postpartum! Sound good? Yesterday morning started off with a bright and early five mile run. There are 

Marathon Training Week Four Recap

Guys. It’s Friday!! Let’s just take a moment to celebrate! First of all, I am celebrating that I have officially finished my first four weeks of marathon training! It really has flown by and I am excited about all the progress that I am seeing, 

Just Another Typical Tuesday

Just Another Typical Tuesday

  It’s been a while since I last shared a “day in the life of” post, so I thought I would change that by sharing our day yesterday with you guys! Yesterday morning, I woke up feeling a little disoriented. Landon had taken Benaiah out