Tag: Friends

Weekend Recap (3/28) 

What a weekend. From start to finish, Landon and I were on the go. Although it was busy, it was the beautiful kind of busy.  All weekend long, we were surrounded by family and friends. The best part: we celebrated our Savior’s resurrection on Sunday!  

Weekend Recap- Runs, Church, Showers, and Food

Hello friends! My mind is still winding down from the weekend. I don’t know about your weekend, but mine was FULL. Although there was not much time for rest, it was filled with joy, laughter, and all of my favorite people. Friday day, Landon and 

Thinking out Loud XXI

1. This happened yesterday! My brother graduated?! I thought I just graduated (which was TWO years ago!). Isn’t it amazing how quickly times passes? It reminds me, yet again, to seize each and every day that is given to us by God! 2. Our mom, 

Thinking out Loud XX

Welcome back to Thinking out Loud, hosted by Amanda! It was another fun-filled week. The Lord is so gracious, and I am grateful for the days He gives and the people He places in our lives. This week, I spent time with some friends from 

A Sunday of Celebration

 Celebration.  It is beautiful part of life. This Sunday, Landon, the families, and I celebrated. We, first, celebrated our Savior by gathering together with other believers at church and praising our King. It is a blessing to be part of the body of Christ. Landon, 

Thinking out Loud XVII: The Racing Itch and more…

Welcome back to Thinking out Loud! Thank you Amanda, once again, for hosting! Well, it is about that time of year again..the weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and I am getting geared up for another summer of racing! I don’t know if anyone 

A Blessed Sunday

Weekends come and go so quickly. I am always sad to see them leave, although I do love Mondays! This Sunday, I was reminded of the many blessings that we have in Christ and of the gracious love that He freely offers those who repent 

Sentence per Picture

 I found some new reading material. Our friends came up from Tennessee to spend a couple days with us- so much fun! Sisters are the best. Some sisters are not blood related. I am now convinced that I need to buy more hats. These girls 

Monday Matters

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know I did. Let’s rewind… Valentine’s day, Saturday, started with a nice run and conversations with friends. Although I didn’t have anyone ‘special’ to celebrate with, that was ok! My sisters and I babysat 

Thinking out Loud XIII: Las Vegas Recap in a Few Words

  1. The Hoover Dam is breathtaking. 2. After a four-hour flight and a couple of hours of sleep, a run in 70 degrees never felt so good! 3. It was windy and sunny, but that didn’t stop us from taking a groupie. I am