Tag: eating disorder recovery

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

I truly believe that you can strive after fitness/ health/ fitness goals WHILE maintaining a balanced approach to nutrition. I’ve been on both sides of this before; I’ve lived through a terrible eating disorder and I’ve lived on ‘nutrition doesn’t matter THAT much,’ side of things. However, this year, I’ve realized how much good nutrition, balance, and discipline can affect my own running and fitness goals.

I Hope You Eat Cinnamon Rolls on Christmas Morning + My Thoughts on This Brand New Running Season

Do you like my obnoxiously long title? Yes, I do too. Good morning and happy Tuesday, friends. After a day cozied up at home, I am looking forward to a day filled with Christmas errands which I plan on sharing with you all tomorrow (keep 

Approaching the Holidays with a Healthy Mindset

Approaching the Holidays with a Healthy Mindset

Back in the depths of my eating disorder, holidays were stressful. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed wrapping presents and watching It’s a Wonderful Life, but when it came to food choices, I felt anxious and let the fear of food literally rule my holiday experience. I remember days turning down beautiful, home-cooked meals, with cheap replacements that I thought were, healthy. And in my own, sick mindset, I thought I was the healthy one…

Food Freedom in a World of Dieting

    Food. It never used to be such a big deal to me until I was 16. Before I was that golden age, I never really thought much about food, nutrition, and never once thought of restricting my meals. Often times, I would eat 

You are Worth More than the Number on the Scale

You are Worth More than the Number on the Scale

Body image. I am just going to come out and say it, being a woman, in today’s culture is hard. Really hard. It seems like everywhere I (we) go, there are countless, hundreds of images begging for our attention. Hundreds of expectations and lies claiming 

Recommendations on How to Learn the Art of Mindful Eating

Recommendations on How to Learn the Art of Mindful Eating

I had a friend message me, over Facebook, asking for my recommendations on how to start eating healthier. As I thought about this, I immediately knew that I needed to not only respond to her with encouragement and suggestions, but turn it into a blog 

Living a Life of Food Freedom and How That Looks in a World of Comparison

Living a Life of Food Freedom and How That Looks in a World of Comparison

The internet is a crazy thing, isn’t it? I mean, I am a big fan of social media and blogging (obviously) and Facebook, etc. but man it is a comparison trap if I don’t watch it. I feel like as women, it is even harder 

The Beauty of Living a Balanced Life 

The Beauty of Living a Balanced Life 

As I sat down to eat a piece of ice cream cake, last weekend, I started thinking about how good is feels to live a balanced life. Like, man, it feels real good. Most of you all know that I battled an eating disorder for