Tag: Cross Training

I’m Still Alive

Wow. Has it really been since Thanksgiving since I posted something? You know when you have those months and it just goes by in an instant, yet while it is flying by, your life seems to fall into place? Yes, November was one of those 

WIAW- New and Old Favorites

Welcome back to the party! I missed last week, but I am glad to be back. Yesterday incorporated a lot of my favorite foods. Some old and some new. I thought it would be fun to see what old and new things I have enjoyed 

WIAW- Celebrating Fall

Welcome back to the WIAW party! Let’s take a look at what I have been doing on lately. By the way, how is it October 1 already? The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous. The cooler weather makes me crave warm soups, candles, sweaters, football, coffee, 

WIAW- Veggie Loving

Welcome back to the WIAW party! For more details on what WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) is all about, see Jen here. Let’s get this party started, shall we? There is no secret in this family that I love my vegetables. I’ve actually been told 

WIAW- Favorites

Welcome back to one of my favorite parties! The What I Ate Wednesday Part.  Thanks for hosting, Jenn! Remember What I Ate Wednesday is not about judgement or guilt, but celebrating what we all have in common.  We all eat. While we all celebrate, we 

Tuesday Talk II

If anyone knows me well, they would all agree that I love to talk. It’s one of my favorite hobbies (aside from running of course).  So today, I am just going to chat away. Try to keep up if you can! 1. One of my 

Goals and Tips for the School Year

September? How can it already be September already!? I know I say this every month, but August seem to pass so quickly. Really, for me, this whole year has gone by with lightening speed. I always love a new day, week, month or year because