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Why I Celebrate

Christmas. It comes and it goes so quickly. Sometimes, amid all the stress of trying to fit in family parties, gift exchanges, and shopping, the Christmas season can be stressful. The question then is, why? Why celebrate? The answer is surprisingly simple. Isaiah 9:6 (ESV) “For 

Christmas in the City

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day and celebrate with family and friends the true meaning of Christmas (which will be my next post.) These past two days, I was privileged to be able to nanny while traveling with a 

Christmas Circuit Workout

With Christmas quickly approaching, family parties to attend, and shopping to conquer it is hard to fit in a workout. Yesterday was one of those days for me. However, through the years, I’ve learned that a quick circuit workout can still be effective (not to 

I’m Still Alive

Wow. Has it really been since Thanksgiving since I posted something? You know when you have those months and it just goes by in an instant, yet while it is flying by, your life seems to fall into place? Yes, November was one of those 

Favorite Sweet Potato Casserole

Most people know that sweet potatoes are my favorite. Because they are my favorite, I generally bring them to any family gathering we have during the holidays. I have tried several different sweet potato casserole recipes, but this one is my favorite. It was slightly 

Thanksgiving 2014

Psalm 100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day was filled with all the blessings that the Lord gives. I hope you took time to cherish family, eat 

So You Want to Become a Runner…

So you want to become a runner? Aside from my relationship with Christ, running is my joy. It is something that I am passionate about, it spurs me on to become better and stronger, and it has taught me many things. So you want to 

WIAW: Burrito Pie

You know those dishes that are so simple you forget how simple they are? We have a general rotation of dinners that come and go in the Houston household. Sometimes, it seems like I always choose the most complicated dish to make. When we decided 

This Week I’ve Learned

I don’t get sick often, but when I do, it seems like I get really sick. This past week has been one of ‘those’ weeks. Early Tuesday morning I woke up sicker than a dog, and that lasted until Thursday night.  I felt a lot 

Behind the Scenes

My day was made when I sleepily read one of my favorite bloggers, Sunnie, and noticed that she had tagged me to do a “Behind the Scenes” post.  Before I jump into the post, I wanted to take a minute and tell everyone a little