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Kale Chips

   This is Hannah Banana. She is eight years old. She really likes Kale Chips. Which means that anyone can like kale chips. They really aren’t that scary. In fact, as some of you know already, Hannah requested Kale chips for her birthday snack. (Proud older 

Thinking out Loud XXII

1. Now that the warm weather has it, smoothies are happening all day every day. Yesterday I had one for lunch and Saturday I had one for breakfast and dinner. Addicted? Never. 2. This little girl is EIGHT years old! I am so proud of 

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread Sandwich Bread

So I am a big fan of carbs. Once upon a time, I didn’t think that carbs were good for you. Now I realize that it is the kind of carbs that you are filling up with which determine how your body uses them! So, bring 

Thinking out Loud XXI

1. This happened yesterday! My brother graduated?! I thought I just graduated (which was TWO years ago!). Isn’t it amazing how quickly times passes? It reminds me, yet again, to seize each and every day that is given to us by God! 2. Our mom, 

Tuesday Tangents

1. I recently made a soup, except I didn’t write any of the measurements or ingredients. I realized that was a mistake when I wanted to make it again. I think I may be able to remember everything, but next time I create a recipe, 

Thinking out Loud XX

Welcome back to Thinking out Loud, hosted by Amanda! It was another fun-filled week. The Lord is so gracious, and I am grateful for the days He gives and the people He places in our lives. This week, I spent time with some friends from 

Easy, Homemade LaraBars

I don’t know about you, but I really like Larabars. I buy them once in a while, but I find it more fun and tasty when I make my own. With only a few ingredients, you can make a batch of on the go bars which 

A Little Update and 2 Ingredient Pancakes

  Well, hello my lovely readers. This is how I look after late night runs, candidacy at it’s finest. Sorry that I have been a little, MIA lately. It has been a full weekend and start to the week. This weekend, I spent time with