A Refreshing Weekend: Scrabble Wars, Popcorn Comas, and a RUN!

A Refreshing Weekend: Scrabble Wars, Popcorn Comas, and a RUN!

Good Monday morning friends! I hope you had a restful weekend filled with lots of family time! Our weekend was so nice and refreshing, I wish we had at least one more day. But that’s life, right? I was so excited for this weekend, because 

Ten Pictures Since We Last Talked

Ten Pictures Since We Last Talked

Happy Wednesday friends! This morning is especially happy because today is the last day of work for Landon until next year (haha, get it?) We don’t have much planned for the long weekend except for relaxing and the last Christmas get together. Yesterday, I was 

Current Confessions, Send Help, and Sweet Tooth Cravings (TOL #59)

Current Confessions, Send Help, and Sweet Tooth Cravings (TOL #59)

It’s already Thursday and I’m quite happy about that. Tomorrow, I’ve got quite a few things going on and I’m more than ready to get the weekend started! Plus, I am tired. Real tired. After a great night of sleep Tuesday night (he slept for 

SNOWED IN + Weekend Recap 

SNOWED IN + Weekend Recap 

Oh hey there friends, it’s me, Bethany. I’m sorry for the late recap post, but between a couple crazy days, Internet problems, and car situations, life has been full. I guess that’s how some weeks go, right? Okay, let’s rewind to Saturday morning… Saturday began 

Benaiah: Three Month Update 

Benaiah: Three Month Update 

So, my baby boy is a quarter of a year old and I really don’t know how I feel about that. I’m mostly thrilled that we’ve made it this far and I’m loving every new discovery Benaiah makes. I will admit, however, that I’m missing 

Twelve Pictures from Our Thansgiving Weekend 

Twelve Pictures from Our Thansgiving Weekend 

I’m still alive everyone! Computer issues + a four day weekend = a nice, little break from the blog world. It was refreshing, but I and to glad to be back with you all! In case you want to keep up with my randomness while 

iPhone Photos Galore, Yoga, and Sister Time (TOL #56)

iPhone Photos Galore, Yoga, and Sister Time (TOL #56)

Hey friends and happy Thursday! Again, I apologize for the lack of blog posts this week. It looks like we will be able to get our computer fixed this weekend and I can’t wait. Also, almost all my photos are from my iPhone today, sorry 

A Run, a Wedding, and a Chess Tournament (Weekend Recap 10/23)

A Run, a Wedding, and a Chess Tournament (Weekend Recap 10/23)

And we are back to Monday, why do the weekends fly by so fast? Our weekend seemed to pass all to quickly and the funny thing is, that when I sat down to draft this post, I had to think about what we actually did 

Brinner, Benaiah’s Coos, and Workouts Lately (TOL #52) 

Brinner, Benaiah’s Coos, and Workouts Lately (TOL #52) 

Hello to you on this collld Thursday morning! It’s definitely that tempature which demands a layer or two and warm dinner. I think soup sounds like a good idea, but I’m trying to decide what kind…if you all have any ideas, comment below!  Anyways, because 

Prenatal Strength Circuit Workout

Prenatal Strength Circuit Workout

  Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ll be honest, there are days when trying to muster up the enthusiasm to workout is hard. (Like today, 8/31/16) Running was the last thing I wanted to do this morning, I felt like I would rather have crawled back