What I Will Be Working on Postpartum…

What I Will Be Working on Postpartum…

Happy happy Monday! And let’s talk about RUNNING. Because this week (most likely) I will be cleared to run! Woohoo. Thinking about coming back to running, postpartum makes me SO excited. I am really looking forward to working toward some big running goals and eager 

Eliana – One Month

Eliana – One Month

I cannot believe that we are already one month in with this munchkin. Seriously, the time is flying by and it feels oh so bitter sweet. My sweet, little 7 pound and 2 ounce girl is suddenly over 10 pounds and cooing, maybe smiling (?) 

Eliana’s Birth Story

Eliana’s Birth Story

Eliana – “God has heard.” Beatrice “She who brings joy.” If there are two top take aways from my second birth experience, it would be that 1. God does hear our prayers and shows up in big ways and 2. The hardest labored for efforts 

To my Boy on His 3rd Birthday

To my Boy on His 3rd Birthday

Oh my goodness, where has the time gone. It seems like just yesterday daddy announced you were a boy and the nurses placed you on my chest. And now, here you are – running and talking and jumping and throwing and imagining and it is 

4 Years

4 Years

Time is flying baby. I didn’t think I could love you more than when I married you, and yet day after day and year after year loving you just gets sweeter. I am so very thankful for you – for your love for Jesus, your 

Coffee Date 8/19

Coffee Date 8/19

Hello and good morning from my cup of coffee (and the bump) to you. I hope you are running into the a fresh new week feeling and refreshed after a (hopefully) restful weekend! It’s been a little bit since I did another coffee date post 

Week 36 + What We’ve Decided to do with the birth

Hello from this very pregnant lady to you. I cannot believe that we are at getting so, so close to meeting this little peanut! I am SO beyond eager to meet this nugget and get the labor party started. Honestly, I overall enjoyed the challenge 

A Standard Wednesday + Community Pools are the Best

A Standard Wednesday + Community Pools are the Best

Normally, I am sitting down with a big old cup of coffee in hand, but alas heart burn has come again and coffee really isn’t sounding good this afternoon. So, instead I’m chugging iced water and relishing a few moments of peace and quiet. I 

Postpartum Running GOALS

I literally cannot believe that in four weeks or so, baby TWO (!?) will be joining the family! As I think about what I’ve done with this pregnancy and what I want to chase after postpartum I am so excited. And also inspired. And overwhelmed. 

35 Weeks Update

I cannot believe we are this far into pregnancy. It really seems like just yesterday I was 20 weeks! I am so excited for these next few weeks to fly by and yet, at the same time savor the moments of this normalcy. I am