Tag: Tuesday Tangents

Tuesday Tangents

1. I recently made a soup, except I didn’t write any of the measurements or ingredients. I realized that was a mistake when I wanted to make it again. I think I may be able to remember everything, but next time I create a recipe, 

Tuesday Tangents- March 24th Edition

1. Someone told me it was the first official day of spring recently?  I’m feeling a little confused… 2. Coffee shipment is in! My inventory is now stocked and ready to go. It always makes me happy when I see this on my porch. 3. 

Tuesday Tangents

1. I really love the warm weather, but the mud is crazy…even though it was muddy it didn’t stop me from running yesterday. On the schedule for yesterday, was a three-mile run. My pace hovered at a 6:55 for most of the run, which I am 

Tuesday Tangents: Some of My Favorite Things

Welcome to Tuesday Tangents, one of my favorite ways to write. Mainly because it is how I usually think in tangents.   1. Small ones and silly faces. 2. Running either inside or outside. 3. Sweet potatoes. 4.  Devotions 5. Coffee inventory (re-stocked!)  That is