Tag: Health

Talking about Grace + My Top 10 Tips on Getting Your Body Back Postpartum 

Motherhood is such a wonderful gift, but your body changes so much! I knew that my body would change because, duh, I was growing a human, but I remember towards the end of pregnancy feeling so not my normal athletic self. Yes, I did run 

Getting Serious: My Story about an Eating Disorder and How I Overcame 

Getting Serious: My Story about an Eating Disorder and How I Overcame 

I don’t know what it is about our culture, but I think people are genuinely scared about being vulnerable. It’s hard to admit failure, a problem, or that we’ve struggled (or are struggling with something.) Maybe it is because we are worried we will be 

Post- Pregnancy Health, and Running, Fitness Goals 

Post- Pregnancy Health, and Running, Fitness Goals 

Fitness is a funny thing. In my five years of running and routinely working out, one thing I’ve leaned is that fitness can come and go so quickly. Make that go so quickly, coming back takes work. I’ve had times in my life where I 

REST: It’s Okay to Take a Day Off 

Today I woke up and felt pretty worn out. Worn out physically, mentally, and emotionally. (Things are totally great over here- I just have pregnancy hormones raging times 100!)  Today, the only workout that sounded appealing was making my breakfast and that is just what 

RUNNING: How to Increase Speed and Pace without Killing Yourself, Getting Injured, or Losing Your Love for Running 

I remember back when I was just beginning running and how overwhelming the thought of a half marathon was. How would I ever run 13.1 ( the .1 is important) miles without dying? How would I ever be able to run just 2 miles? What 

Favorite Basic Green Smoothie 

Favorite Basic Green Smoothie 

Now that the weather is getting warmer, my love for smoothies is making a strong comeback.  This recipe is one of my basic green smoothie combos and tastes like “ice cream” to boot. Okay, maybe not exactly like ice cream, but it is cold, creamy, 

How to Beat the Treadmill Blues

So you want to run, but it is -30 out? Never fear, there is a solution to that! Its name is: the treadmill. For most people, (myself included at one point), the treadmill seems like a death sentence. Even for the most avid runners, treadmill boredom