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Bump Date: 23 weeks! 

Well hello there friends! We have officially made it to 23 weeks and my mind is going all over the place. The to-do lists are piling up, the excitement is building, and the suspense is killing me. I also just realized that in only five 

Two Birthday Parties, a Rainy Run, and My First Cup of Coffee? (Weekend Recap) 

This weekend just flew by. I’m well aware that I say that about most weekends, but I’m fairly sure this one went more quickly than the others. It may have had something to do with the fact that we celebrated not one, but two birthday’s.  

Ultrasound Pictures, a Manly Burger, and a Cold Run: Thinking out Loud (#28) 

Happy Thinking out Loud Thursday ladies and gentlemen! I am so excited to chat with you all this morning, before I hang out with my mom and sisters today. (Side note: I am so glad that they don’t live too far from me, we have 

WIAW: Pregnancy Hunger is a Real Thing 

It’s Wednesday: which means we are halfway through the week, it’s a run day (for me), and a WIAW!  Have no idea what’s going on? Check out the full details on Jen’s blog. Let’s get this party started!  Yesterday morning, I made myself a fried 

Banana Coffee Ice Cream 

Oh yes, this happened today. I’ve never made banana coffee ice cream, but let me tell you, it was one of my better life decisions.  Banana Coffee Ice Cream 1 Large Banana (frozen in chunks)  1/4 c. Almond milk  1 Tsp. Honey  1 Tsp. Vanilla 

Bump date: 22 Weeks 

It only took about a million pictures to finally get one I liked. Oh and yes, I have two arms- I was trying to make the dress fit me better. 😉  Shout out to Landon for being my photographer!  I can hardly believe we are 

Another Wedding, Another Birthday, and a Movie Date 

   Good morning and happy Monday! I decided to start this day off right with a bowl of fruit and an egg for breakfast. I’m pretty sure I could eat breakfast food any time of the day. As I was enjoying my food, I thought 

Color Coordinated Running, a Birthday, and a Mysterious Beach Sting:  Thinking out Loud (#27) 

   It’s that time of the week friends, when I share all my random thoughts with you and you dive into how my mind works for a little bit. (I don’t know if that is fun or frightening for you all.) As always, thank you 

Bump date: 21 weeks! 

   Hello warm weather, sunshine, and beach time. This week has been so good for Landon, baby T and I. I’ve also noticed that that week baby T had had a major growth spurt! I’m so happy to finally look pregnant and not just bigger 

Scenes from the Weekend

Hello friends! Landon and I are still on vacation, but I wanted to stop in and update you all on what happened this weekend. Saturday morning, Landon and I ran three miles, had devotions, breakfast, and quickly left for our friends wedding.    (Oh, get