Exercise is a Celebration of You

As I scrolled my phone this morning, looking for a specific motivational running quote- I came across this one and I stopped. I immediately pinned it (so grateful for Pinterest!) and shared it with my running ladies (if you are looking for a free female running community < join mine here!). I love this so much for so numerous reasons, but mainly because it’s packed full of truth. God has made our bodies so beautifully and running or exercise should be a celebration of just how amazing our bodies are, not a punishment of what they aren’t. 

Years ago, exercise and running easily became something I forced myself to do even when I knew I shouldn’t, it began to feel like a chore, and it lost it’s joy. It wasn’t  because of  what I was doing but it was because of what I was thinking. I had my mindset all wrong. I was working out to get those tangible results and while it’s not wrong to want results and muscle and confidence in our swimsuits, if that’s the only reason we are exercising, our zeal for our time in the gym may fade fast when the results don’t come as quickly as we hope! 

What’s the cure? 

Remember, runs and workouts are a gift. They are a celebration of what we can do! 

When I began to view exercise and running as a gift, suddenly it all changed. Instead of having to workout, I get to. Not because I’m forcing myself or changing something I don’t like about my body, but because God has given me a body capable to run, capable for strength and I want to see what exactly I am capable of. I want to push myself to see how far I can go and for His pleasure. 

So, friend, today, while you run or go to the gym or take a yoga class, remember what a gift that sweat session is and just how strong and capable you are! 

Questions of the Day 

  1. What is your mindset on working out? 
  2. How was your weeekend?!
  3. What did your run look like today?