Longest Run Post Marathon + Ice Cream for Days

Longest Run Post Marathon + Ice Cream for Days

Well hello there and welcome back to another brand new week. I can tell this week is already off to a much better start than last week. In all honesty, I woke up last Monday grumpy and NOT ready for another Monday. However, today, I 

We’ve Got a Champion and Six Mile Runs (Weekend Recap)

Is it just me or is the entire US having internet issues? The past two days, we’ve had zero wifi here, the libraries internet was beyond slow and spotty and my WordPress site was having major issues. Talk about annoying. It is so hard to 

Halloween Traditions + Running Lately Friday Favorites

Halloween Traditions + Running Lately Friday Favorites

Man, I didn’t mean to bail on you guys for the past two days, but I woke up Wednesday morning feeling awful. The kind of awful that makes you want to sleep for an entire day, kind of awful. Since, Wednesday, I’ve been drinking tea, 

Brunch and a Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Brunch and a Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Oh hello there and welcome back to the week. I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are arriving at this Monday morning feeling refreshed and rested. I was so excited, Friday, when I glanced at my calendar and realized we had a pretty 

Pancakes for Breakfast, Running and Soccer Games (Weekend Recap)

Pancakes for Breakfast, Running and Soccer Games (Weekend Recap)

Good morning friends and welcome back to another Monday. I knew it was a Monday this morning, when I poured my fresh coffee into a cup of leftover coffee. Hello and welcome to the week, haha. Although I would love another day to add to 

A Cozy, Rainy Weekend

A Cozy, Rainy Weekend

Good morning and how are you all doing on this Monday? I hope you are stopping by the blog today, feeling refreshed and ready for another week. This weekend was exactly what I needed. Relaxing, but not boring, good food and time spent together as 

Running, Makeup, and Benaiah’s Smoothie Obsession: Friday Favorites

Running, Makeup, and Benaiah’s Smoothie Obsession: Friday Favorites

Hello friends and welcome to the weekend! Can you believe this week is already almost over? Between sister sleepovers and busy week nights our week flew by. But a fast paced week leading up to a slow paced weekend has me feeling all the feels. 

Fall Weekends are the Best Weekends

Fall Weekends are the Best Weekends

And here we are, back to Monday. You know those weekends that are a whole lot of good old fashioned, nothing? Aside from a couple quick fun trips, that is exactly what this weekend was like. Not a lot of structured fun, but lots of 

Running + Coffee + Fall Activities (Weekend Recap)

Hey there friends and happy Monday morning. I hope your Monday is off to a great start and you are popping onto the blog today feeling refreshed, post-weekend. Even though are weekend seemed to pass by much too quickly, it was a refreshing and relaxing 

Top Four Weekend Highlights

Top Four Weekend Highlights

Hello there friends and happy Monday to you! I always love the fresh start that Mondays bring, and although I am kind of craving an extra day for just ‘nothing,’ a fresh beginning of a new week does feel good. I hope your weekend was