Running Pregnant, What I’ve Learned and Running Goals Post Baby 

Good morning from my lovely bagel and I. Landon, also known as the worlds greatest husband, surprised me by buying me (and baby T) a bagel for breakfast today. He knows one of the ways to my heart 😉  On a side note: don’t you 

Ultrasound Pictures, a Manly Burger, and a Cold Run: Thinking out Loud (#28) 

Happy Thinking out Loud Thursday ladies and gentlemen! I am so excited to chat with you all this morning, before I hang out with my mom and sisters today. (Side note: I am so glad that they don’t live too far from me, we have 

Bump date: 21 weeks! 

   Hello warm weather, sunshine, and beach time. This week has been so good for Landon, baby T and I. I’ve also noticed that that week baby T had had a major growth spurt! I’m so happy to finally look pregnant and not just bigger 

Scenes from the Weekend

Hello friends! Landon and I are still on vacation, but I wanted to stop in and update you all on what happened this weekend. Saturday morning, Landon and I ran three miles, had devotions, breakfast, and quickly left for our friends wedding.    (Oh, get 

Fun Facts Friday 

   1. I’m back friends, sorry to be MIA yesterday. Yesterday and today have been full days of travel and fun. Sadly, I wasn’t able to squeeze in the time to blog. However, the Lord is teaching me that some days are like that. Some 

WIAW: New Favorite Foods

   Today’s Wednesday and that means a WIAW party! Confused at what’s going on? Check out Jen’s awesome blog for the details.  Tuesday, my friends, was a good day! There were many reasons why it was a good day, but I’m thinking it didn’t hurt to start 

Banana Ice Cream

   Ice cream has long been one of my favorite desserts. Now that the warm weather is coming around, nothing sounds as good as creamy and sweet ice cream! Fun fact: my Aunt Lisa makes killer homemade ice cream. Looking forward to some of that 

Bump date: 20 weeks! 

   Ladies and gentlemen, I am half way there!? Don’t know how that happened.  Baby updates:  Baby T is about the size of a mango! Six and a half inches long and about 10 ounces. Weight gained:  Not for sure, but I think about 5 

Peanut Butter Protein Bars 

Oh peanut butter. We’ve had a long history, you and I. I really like peanut butter. However, growing up, I didn’t like it at all and couldn’t stand peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My poor mother had to resort to either jelly or turkey sandwiches 

Weekend Happenings 

Because I am such a great blogger, I think I took a total of three pictures this weekend. Saturday and Sunday were nice and slow. We didn’t leave the house too much, worked out, and went to bed early. Obviously, we are the life of