I Have a Three Month Old and December Has Arrived (TOL #57)

I Have a Three Month Old and December Has Arrived (TOL #57)

First off, I want to thank all you guys for your sweet and encouraging comments on Facebook regarding my last post! You guys are the best. In keeping with tradition, I’ll be sharing with you all some random Thursday thoughts, but first, a big shout 

iPhone Photos Galore, Yoga, and Sister Time (TOL #56)

iPhone Photos Galore, Yoga, and Sister Time (TOL #56)

Hey friends and happy Thursday! Again, I apologize for the lack of blog posts this week. It looks like we will be able to get our computer fixed this weekend and I can’t wait. Also, almost all my photos are from my iPhone today, sorry 

My Sister’s First Single and Running Woes (TOL #55) 

My Sister’s First Single and Running Woes (TOL #55) 

It’s never a good idea to save a blog post that needs to be written for the morning of. Of course, that’s what I did today, so I apologize if my thoughts are even more scattered than usual. Usually, my creative juices start flowing much 

Brinner, Benaiah’s Coos, and Workouts Lately (TOL #52) 

Brinner, Benaiah’s Coos, and Workouts Lately (TOL #52) 

Hello to you on this collld Thursday morning! It’s definitely that tempature which demands a layer or two and warm dinner. I think soup sounds like a good idea, but I’m trying to decide what kind…if you all have any ideas, comment below!  Anyways, because 

Today’s the Day!! Strange Comfort Food, and a New Favorite Dessert (TOL #51)

Today’s the Day!! Strange Comfort Food, and a New Favorite Dessert (TOL #51)

One more day until Friday! Has the week gone fast or is it just me? Either way, I’m excited that the weekend is drawing near and even more excited about what I’m sharing today on the blog, hint: it involves running! Before we dive into