Fluctuating Fitness: Embracing Your Ever Changing Fitness

Fluctuating Fitness: Embracing Your Ever Changing Fitness

If there is anything I’ve learned through my fitness journey, it’s that fitness is an ever changing cycle. You gain fitness and (more often, easily) you lose fitness. And you know what. Here’s a secret: it’s OKAY. Your body is not meant to freeze and be the same exact way it has been for x amount of years. Yes, it is important to maintain a base and a healthy body, but I want you to know it is normal, if not expected to have certain seasons of peak fitness and other seasons of ‘off season’ fitness. And both are fine, good, and healthy. 

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

I truly believe that you can strive after fitness/ health/ fitness goals WHILE maintaining a balanced approach to nutrition. I’ve been on both sides of this before; I’ve lived through a terrible eating disorder and I’ve lived on ‘nutrition doesn’t matter THAT much,’ side of things. However, this year, I’ve realized how much good nutrition, balance, and discipline can affect my own running and fitness goals.

Running Goals and Plans for 2018

Running Goals and Plans for 2018

A new year always does this to me, I always start the year with goals and dreams. And, this year I started by writing out my top 25 desires for the year and of course, some of them involved running goals! Before the month (and 

Reflections from 2017

Reflections from 2017

Wow. 2017. God taught me so much this year. I learned so much about myself, conquered goals, raised a baby who became a toddler, cried tears, celebrated two blissful years with Landon, drank coffee, ran marathons, and fell in love with Jesus all over again. I entered 2017, in the midst of postpartum anxiety, which felt like a rocky start to 2017. However, it was in that dark place and loneliness that Jesus showed up and showed himself faithful, over and over again.

The Tuesday Before Christmas

Hey, hey friends and look at me go! I am sharing a day in the life of post, finally. It has been my full intention of sharing a peek into our daily life for the past couple weeks, but for various reasons, the post was 

Balancing Running and Mothering without Losing Your Mind

Balancing Running and Mothering without Losing Your Mind

Yes, running and balancing motherhood is challenging, not every run goes as planned and sometimes I have to cut runs short. BUT, I really believe that the benefits and the memories far surpass the effort it takes to juggle both…

A Really, Really Good Day

A Really, Really Good Day

Hey, hey there friends and happy FRIDAY! I try not to live for the weekends, but I really do love having a couple days to unplug, unwind, and soak in extra time with family and friends. I hope you all have fun weekend plans scheduled 

I Hope You Eat Cinnamon Rolls on Christmas Morning + My Thoughts on This Brand New Running Season

Do you like my obnoxiously long title? Yes, I do too. Good morning and happy Tuesday, friends. After a day cozied up at home, I am looking forward to a day filled with Christmas errands which I plan on sharing with you all tomorrow (keep 

Christmas Tree Hunting and a Sunday Date Day

Christmas Tree Hunting and a Sunday Date Day

I can now officially say I am among the land of the living. I thought I was over my illness mid-week last week, but really, it took a while to recover. I don’t know what I had, but needless to say, I am glad it 

Half Marathon Number 3 + My Mom’s First Half Marathon!

Half Marathon Number 3 + My Mom’s First Half Marathon!

Hello there and happy Thursday! Thanks to quite a few, miserable sick days, my week is so upside down. Last week, Landon had three days off work and this week, he’s taken two days off because of being sick or helping me recover. Needless to