A Long Day, a Good Run, and a New Favorite Show (WIAW 10/25)

A Long Day, a Good Run, and a New Favorite Show (WIAW 10/25)

Ever have one of those days that feels like it goes on forever? I kept finding myself yesterday wondering if this it was still Tuesday, and come to find out, it was. 😉 My forever long day began with a cup of coffee (shocking right?) 

A Run, a Wedding, and a Chess Tournament (Weekend Recap 10/23)

A Run, a Wedding, and a Chess Tournament (Weekend Recap 10/23)

And we are back to Monday, why do the weekends fly by so fast? Our weekend seemed to pass all to quickly and the funny thing is, that when I sat down to draft this post, I had to think about what we actually did 

Today’s the Day!! Strange Comfort Food, and a New Favorite Dessert (TOL #51)

Today’s the Day!! Strange Comfort Food, and a New Favorite Dessert (TOL #51)

One more day until Friday! Has the week gone fast or is it just me? Either way, I’m excited that the weekend is drawing near and even more excited about what I’m sharing today on the blog, hint: it involves running! Before we dive into 

Large Salads, the First Hot Chocolate of the Season, and Friends Over (WIAW 10/11)

Large Salads, the First Hot Chocolate of the Season, and Friends Over (WIAW 10/11)

Before Benaiah entered our world, almost six (?!) weeks ago, I was told “the days will be long and the weeks will be short.” So far, that saying has proved true! Yesterday, was one of those long days. It wasn’t necessarily a bad long day, 

Trail Mix Granola Bars

Trail Mix Granola Bars

Crunchy on the outside, and chewy in the middle, these granola bars are not only packed with delicious flavors and textures, but lots of protein to keep you full (and happy!) between meals.  I don’t know about you, but I like a good snack every now and 

Lightened Up Apple Crisp 

Lightened Up Apple Crisp 

This delicious fall dessert is bursting with so much flavor, that you wouldn’t know it’s missing the refined sugar, butter, and flour! Enjoy warm and with whipped cream.  This morning, I woke up and it was chilly in our house, just cold enough for a 

Chocolate Almond Butter Protein Bites

Chocolate Almond Butter Protein Bites

Rich, chocolaty, and packed with protein, these protein bites will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, with the added protein, they will keep you muscles happy too.  I don’t know if it is the hormones or the hunger from breastfeeding, or maybe a mixture of both, 

My Final Shower and an Active and Restful Sunday (Super Long Weekend Recap 8/15)

And just like that, we are back to the daily grind. As much as I do love Mondays, I didn’t want this weekend to end. After a busy week and busy weekends leading up to this past Saturday and Sunday, I ended Sunday night feeling 

Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies (Secretly Healthy!)

Dark chcocolate chunks and peanut butter make these oatmeal cookies taste rich and indulgent. Thanks to healthy ingredients, they only taste that way! Now you can have your cake (eh, cookie) and eat it too.  There’s something about eating a cookie. I don’t know if 

S’more Frappucino 

Rich and chocolatey, this s’more Frappucino is a perfect mid-afternoon treat or dessert.  There’s something magical about the combination of summer nights and s’mores. Maybe it’s the memories that are made around a campfire or the delicious combination of marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers. Or