Sentence per Picture: Birthday Style! 

When you make it through the first week of life with a newborn, naturally you celebrate with lentil soup, rolls, and ice cream. 

What a ham.

Celebration complete with gifts. (We actually didn’t even plan a party, it just kind happened/ ice cream and gifts just kind of do that to a gathering.) 

He is starving for attention, obviously. 

Four generations: great grandma, grandparents, parents, and Benaiah.

The aunt squad. 

Can’t get over this face. 

(Excuse the desk mess) In other news, until I can run, I’ll just wear my running clothes and imagine I can. #normalbehavior.

Breakfast game on point. 

Burrito baby makes mommy very happy. 

Hope you all have a fantastic rest of your Saturday! Catch you on Monday.

Questions of the Day 

  1. What is your sentence of the day? 
  2. Favorite dessert? 
  3. What are your Saturday plans?