Saturday’s Run and Other Happenings..


 Saturday, the weather, and my training plan called for a long run. Really, it wasn’t that long, but it felt good to be able to go more than three miles. I can’t explain the feeling after a long run, because there is nothing that really can compare to it. It was a great way to kick off a fun weekend.


 Saturday too, I was able to pick up a couple of my favorite flavors of hummus. The one on the left is tomato bruschetta and olive! They are the bomb and this brand has hardly any ingredients, which I love!



 There are days that I actually wear ‘real’ clothing! Shocking, I know. But business meetings and church calls for it. (And I will admit, I do like the feeling of looking presentable.)



 I took this picture after Sunday worship service and evangelism class. I had a wonderful time spent with my special someone and his family. Sunday was absolutely perfect, and I was reminded of that again with the beauty of this sunset.


 Coffee has happened a lot lately. For three reasons. 1. Owning your own coffee business means you always have coffee on hand. 2. I adore the taste. 3. I may be lacking sleep…but that remains to be decided…




The track owned me today. Three miles, sub 7 minute miles. My workout today was 6 x 400s 5k pace. I have learned, slowly, but surely, the importance of sticking to a training plan. It has made the world of a difference for my shins. Thank you Hal Higdon, also, thank you Abby for taking pictures!