Mother’s Day Weekend 2017


Hello there friends and happy Monday after a holiday weekend. Man, I woke up exhausted and not ready for the week. Typically, I don’t mind Monday’s and actually, kind of enjoy the fresh start and clean slate that Monday’s bring. But, this morning, all I wanted was another day to recuperate from our busy weekend.

But, alas, there was not a three day weekend on the calendar this year, so instead of having another day off, it’s back to the weekly duties for me!


This Mother’s day , but to be honest, Saturday was just not my day. I mean, really not my day. Friday was fantastic, I went for a six mile group run, had my sisters over all day, and had a fantastic date night, but when Saturday rolled around, I was a hot stress mess.

I blaming on my hormones and my cycle that I think is trying to make a comeback, (excuse the TMI!) but I know that a lot of the bad parts of the day revolved around me stressing out about

  1. Getting the house ready for Mother’s Day (since we hosted.)

  2. A PACKED Saturday schedule.

  3. A fussy, teething Benaiah.

I shall spare you all the boring details, but I did finally feel less stressed by the end of the evening and ate my sorrows in my homemade peanut butter cups.


Thankfully, Sunday was MUCH better and although exhausting, I felt so much more put together.

I woke up Sunday morning, fully knowing I needed a nice, long time spent with Jesus. After forty minutes or so, I felt much more encouraged and left the house right around six am to run a few miles before the house woke up.

Normally, I don’t run sundays, but the last two Sunday that I have I’ve loved, since Landon is able to watch Benaiah and I am able to have some quiet time before heading to church.

I ran a quick three, negative split miles (7:57, 7:40, and a 7:06) before coming home and getting ready for the day. enaiah slept in until 8:00am (what?!) which left me plenty of time to get cleaned up and ready for church.


After my smoothie, Landon and Benaiah surprised me with my Mother’s Day gifts and cards, which of course, made me tear up. Landon surprised me with two different candles (one from him and one from Benaiah) along with some de-stress massage oil. YES PLEASE. Babe, you nailed it.


After the gifts, we packed up and headed to church. You know those sermons that you listen to and it feels like the pastor is speaking directly to you. Yeah, Sunday, was one of those sermons. It was so encouraging and perfect timing after a stressful day on Saturday. I left church feeling encouraged and inspired, with a full heart and ready for our family get together!!


After picking up the house, one last time, everyone finally arrived close to two in the afternoon and we wasted no time enjoying a delicious buffet of Mexican food + chips and salsa + fruit and delicious desserts.


I didn’t get many pictures, since I just wanted to soak in the fun and savor mingling with both sides. It was such a good day and we went to bed with thankful hearts.


Becoming a mother has shown me just how much my mom loves me. I’ve realized over the eight months of having Benaiah that being a mom is hard and tons of work, but it is oh so special and completely worth it. I am so thankful for my mom and everything she has poured into my life. So, mom, thank you, for everything. Thank you for being one of my best friends and for loving me through some of my hardest times. You are such a blessings to me and I hope to be like you when I am your age.

Also, I want to thank my mother-in-law for raising such a wonderful son. He truly is the man of my dreams and I am so thankful to have you as my MIL. You are such a blessing and I love being part of the Thompson clan!


And my sweet Benaiah boy, thank you for making me a mommy so I could celebrate Mother’s Day. You are one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received and I love you with all my heart. You are going to do big thing one day, I know it.
