Lightened Up Mocha Frappucino 

Cold and sweet, this mocha frappe is perfect for the warm summer months! This homemade Frappucino is much cheaper than store bought and healthier to boot! 

Coffee, I love you. It’s so nice to have coffee back in my life…

*(although I’m drinking a limited amount because of baby T!)*

During the warm summer months, I still drink hot coffee, but sometimes an iced coffee sounds so much better. I love making my own because they are so much healthier than store bought and way cheaper!

This recipe is similar to my original, but this time I added cocoa powder for a chocolatey twist! 

Lightened Up Mocha Frappucino 

  • 1 c. Milk (I used almond but any kind works) 
  • 1 tbsp. Cocoa powder 
  • 2 packets stevia 
  • 3-4 large ice cubes (or more) 
  • Vanilla extract 
  • 1 packet coffee (I use my brand) or 1/4 c. strong coffee 


Place all ingredients in blender. Blend on high until foamy. 

Pour into large glass and enjoy!
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  1. What is your favorite way to drink coffee!?
  2. Are you a chocolate lover?
  3. Three things you are doing today!