Highlights from a Week of Sickness


Honestly, these past couple days, starting last Friday until today have been rough. Benaiah and I have been sharing a nasty cold, which means both of us are more tired and at least one of us (Niah) is a lot more cranky.

But, I hate not blogging as frequently as I normally do and feeling so disconnected from you all. So, I decided to at least share a few highlights from this week (and last weekend) here on the blog! I’m hoping this weekend we will be feeling a lot better, but we will see. I don’t normally get sick, but this time was an exception and once, again, I am quickly reminded how often I take the gift of good health for granted.


Homemade Pizza

Last weekend, I made the doughiest, most delicious pizza. It’s been a while since I took the time to make a yeast crusted pizza and, as usual, it did not dissappoint. Landon and I enjoyed our fair share of the pizza and relaxed with a couple episodes of Psych. I haven’t seen Psych in so long and I forgot how hilarious it is. After a couple tiring days of trying to console a sick kiddo, the humor was life giving.


Homemade Waffles

I woke up Saturday morning craving waffles. Craving = satisfied. I don;t know about you, but I would pick waffles over pancakes any day. Give me waffles, any day! The rest of our Saturday we spent lounging around and I headed to worship team practice in the afternoon. Nothing too glamorous, but it was fun to be together, (almost) all day long.


Dancing with Niah

Recently, Benaiah’s started to LOVE dancing to music. He’s always been a more musical kid, but in recent days, his passion for music (and dancing) is showing even more! Last night, Landon whipped out his guitar, played a few ‘pop music,’ sounding chords and had Niah dancing all around the livng room. Man, it’s those moments that the Lord subtly reminds me what a gift this life truly is. In the midst of sickness and a cranky toddler it is easy to get discouraged or overwhelmed. But, in the moments when I look in the living room and see my wild haired almost one and a half year old dancing to his daddy’s guitar playing, everything kind of falls into perspective.


Morning Treadmill Miles

On a lighter note, my runs have been spot on this week, even through the sickness. Thankfully, I’m rocking a head cold (which is uncomfortable, but manageable.) Even though every single mile has been been on the treadmill, I’m watching the Crown and it makes it WAY more exciting to get on the treadmill each morning!


Coffee with Sarah

You know that kind of friendship that encourages your soul each time you get together? Yeah, that’s Sarah. Sarah and I got together for coffee, Monday evening, and although I had a hard time falling asleep after my almond milk latte, it was so worth it. Thank you, Sarah, for the soul refreshing time!

And that’s a wrap! A peek into our sick week!

Questions of the Day 

  1. What about you? What has your week looked like, so far?
  2. How often do you go out for coffee?
  3. My favorite thing to order at the local coffee shop is _______?