Celebrating the Good Times


This weekend was pretty fabulous, to say the least. I mean, how can a weekend not be fabulous when it involves babies and ice cream cake? Am I right or am I right?

Let’s rewind to Saturday morning >>>


Saturday morning began, as usual, with a cup of coffee. It was much needed, since the weather reminded me more of late fall than early spring. I usually have a long run on Saturday morning, but since I ran my long run (of six miles) on Friday morning, I spent my morning sipping coffee and reading devotions before we headed out to Landon’s soccer game.

My friend Natalie and I hung out with our little munchkins while our men played their game. Props to them, because it was FREEZING. We spent a majority of our time bundled up in the car, distracting the boys with bananas while we waited for our hubbies to finish their game. As usual, Natalie and I chatted the time away and I once (again) forgot to snag any pictures of the boys (or us) together. Whenever I hang out with Natalie, I always forget to take pictures, which I think is a sign of a good friendship. 😉


Once we came home, I worked out with an low impact Pilates leg video and finished my sweat session off with some stretching before devouring this deliciousness. Egg scramble + bacon for the win! Does anyone else love Saturday brunching, or is it just me?

Honestly, Landon, Benaiah and I spent the rest of our Saturday pretty low key, complete with naps, a delicious salad for dinner, and a few house projects. We knew we had a busy Sunday ahead of us and decided to take full advantage of our lazy day at home.


This salad > more bacon, greens, shredded carrot, hard boiled eggs, and feta cheese. YES. PLEASE.

We ended our evening with protein shakes, popcorn, and a late night viewing of Jurassic Park. It was my first time watching the movie and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Although, I will admit there were some supposed to be intense moments that I couldn’t help but laugh at.


Sunday day was a lot more interesting and began with quite the early morning wake up call from Benaiah. Like 5:45 am early. Landon was such a great husband and let me sleep while he took care of the nugget for a few hours. After I woke up, we got ready to go to church and arrived at church right on time.

We were thoroughly encouraged by the message and I left feeling uplifted as well as convicted – just the way I like it.

We left shortly after the sermon, because we had places to be and people to see…


Specifically this doll. My sister in law is pregnant (!!) (I’m pretty sure I’ve shared this on here before) and I couldn’t wait to celebrate my first nephew or niece’s life.


My mom threw the most adorable shower, I mean come on guys – isn’t it precious?


I was planning on coming early to help, but they had most of it already done.


Benaiah loved seeing all of his cousins and aunts, and even got to meet his cousin for the very first time.


He approves.


I was so excited to see my long time friend, Casey there too. We’ve been friends since seventh grade or so and she now is married and has a little girl too.


Our babies loved hanging out and it is so fun to see my friends’ children play with my child. I now officially feel old. Also, I just realized how pale I look in this photo. Time for some SUN…summertime, you can come anytime you want. MM’kay?




My mom had quite the spread of snacks, veggies, popcorn, and ice cream cake (!!) and we ended the shower with full hearts and stomachs.


This ice cream cake crew. #sisters.


My mom made the most delicious homemade cheese, caramel and sea salt popcorn and I couldn’t help but take quite a few handfuls of this delicious snack.

By the time evening rolled around, we headed back to my parent’s to celebrate, yet again, but this time it was Landon! Landon’s birthday was a few weeks ago, but my parent’s hadn’t celebrated with us yet. So, we spent the evening eating some Italian beef sandwiches, steamed carrots, and yes, more ice cream cake before opening presents.

Again, time with family is sometimes just too good to interrupt for a photo op, so I don’t have any photos to show. We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking, before we decided to spend the night, thanks to some pretty severe thuderstorms.

All in all, this weekend was so good. Refreshing. Lively. Quite a few treats. And just uplifting. I love being surrounded with people I love and this weekend was just about perfect.

Questions of the Day 

  1. Do you like ice cream cake? What is your favorite flavor?
  2. What did you do this weekend?
  3. When do you run your long runs?