Braxton Hicks Contractions, Productivity, and Peanut Butter Protein Bites for Days (WIAW 8/31) 

Annndd we’ve made it to Wednesday.

Since I’m trying to make sure every.single.thing. possible is finished before baby T comes, yesterday, was jam packed with lots of productivity and good food! Gotta love those days right?

Wednesday started off right with a leg workout that left me sweaty and happy! (sharing on the blog later today!) Side note: doesn’t my bump look huge in this picture? Maybe it’s the angle..

After my workout, I refueled with my typical protein shake.

Oh and coffee, of course.

I spent my morning working on the blog, having my devotions, cleaning the house, and starting a couple loads of laundry.

Before I knew it, Landon came home for lunch. (Yay!)

Lunch? Large salad
And an apple with nuts. Salted nuts of course. In my mind, the more salt the merrier.

After Landon left for work, I whipped up another batch of peanut protein bites, vacuumed the house, switched a couple loads of laundry and…

I planted my first mum ever. Mums = my favorite fall plant. Obviously, it hasn’t bloomed yet, but I’m anxiously awaiting yellow flowers to appear in the next couple days.

Afternoon snack? A peanut butter protein bite. These things are dangerously addicting!

And a side of laundry. Fresh towels = the best.

Landon came home just as dinner was set on the table. Dinner?  Roasted vegetables, crock pot chicken, and gluten free/brown rice Parmesan noodles.

After dinner, Landon met up some friends for a game of frisbee and I took a nap. Once he got home, we snacked on cereal (Life-one of my favorites!) and crashed.

*Important Question* to all you moms out there, last night I noticed my back was pretty tight, sore. It seemed like the pain came in intervals- Landon and I timed it (7 min apart and 1 min or so long…) it was exciting until I fell asleep and slept through the pain.  Womp womp.

Does this sound like Braxton Hicks or real contractions that didn’t do anything? If anyone wants to let me know, that’d be great. 😉

And on that note, I’m off to bounce on my labor ball some more and get breakfast! Make Wednesday great friends!

Questions of the Day 

  1. What was the best thing you ate yesterday? 
  2. Laundry? Do you like to get it all done in one day or do you do laundry throughout the week? 
  3. What is your favorite season? (Mine = fall! ❤️)